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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Stephen Baldwin puts an arm around his daughter Hailey Baldwin as they go out in Paris

Stephen Baldwin must be flabbergasted by his 19 year old daughter Hailey Baldwin’s success as a model. Her life is so different from his these days. Hailey is hanging with a fast moving success oriented fashion crowd – very glamorous. Her dad is quite conservative politically (a huge Trump supporter) and happens to be an evangelical Christian who thinks gays should have their own church. While Hailey’s raking in the bucks, Stephen is in financial turmoil- he owes back taxes and his New York home is threatened with foreclosure. They exist in two different worlds, but it’s nice to see dad and daughter enjoy lunch together in a Paris café.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Swami

    He’s no dummy: Stephen knows the only way the paps will take his pic is when he’s joined at the hip to the more famous (and solvent) member of the family.

    Plus it’s a sneaky way he can lord things over big brother Alec, whose 8-foot tall daughter Ireland was supposed to set the modeling world on fire.

    Ireland’s lucky to get a Montgomery Ward catalogue booking these days. 😀

  2. Trumpian Anal Orange Residue

    So the bankrupt actor likes the “businessman” who’s filed for bankruptcy 6 times. Go figure…

  3. Basket Weaver

    He’s no Evangelical Christian. He’s a con artist who uses religion as a way to try and get things (or get out of things). Every time one of these frauds gets into trouble they’ll start touting their devout Christianity thinking that will cause others to take pity on them and help them in some way. And they use their fake Christianity as a way to justify their hateful ways. They love to scream “THE GAYS ARE BAD”, because it says so in the Great Book Of Fairy Tales, aka The Bible.

  4. rowing


  5. Giada De Putana

    Something really creepy there

  6. Jaydeen

    I admire her that she works hard to help support her deadbeat father. I hope she sends a care box over to his foreclosed home each Sunday with enough food for the week. Must be hard to have such a successful career yet an embarrassment for a father. Prayer.