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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

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  1. Hedda Bopper

    I bet the Ice Cream Cone sings better than her as well……OYE VEY

  2. Jen

    I love Gwen!
    I think it’s great that she takes fashion risks…sometimes it doesn’t work (like this!) but she’s always cool.

  3. Anonymous

    I dig the hair, it’s artful.
    I appreciate a chick who tries something different with her looks.
    Chicks who have to look “perfect” all the time are perfectly boring and usually, stupid.

  4. Patrick

    Numb numb numb.

  5. Anonymous

    Silly, yes. But how did she do that?

  6. Anonymous

    I think its funny. And man! I like to have an ice cream cone right now!
    That being said, her hair looks silly and she needs to find something new.

  7. Anonymous

    Her hair is stupid.

  8. Anonymous