Sherlock Holmes’ nemesis Mark Strong is the hottest villain in any movie we can remember. If you think you know what Guy Ritchie’s “Sherlock Holmes” is going to be like, you’re probably wrong. Guy has turned Holmes (Robert Downey Jr) into a Superhero! The sets and costumes are gorgeous and appropriate, but this is an ACTION MOVIE, not unlike Batman. Explosions, crashes, and life threatening situations abound with special effects – aimed at the teenage boy mentality. We prefer a more cerebral Holmes with an intricate plot and clues, but this might be right up your alley.
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I’m gonna see it regardless. RDJ is superfine.
Thank you for reminding me this is a Guy Ritchie film, now I know what not to see this Christmas. His movies are all so horrible I its really unbelievable how bad they are. He seems nice enough but I wouldnt even Netflix this crap.
Richie’s a no-talent Tarantino imitator, who would be a nobody if it weren’t for Madonna. I’ll skip this, I think RDJ is overexposed and undertalented. Also insufferable.
Saving my money for Avatar…
That guy on the left has serious knock knees! LOL!
The one clip I have seen confirms my suspicions – that the movie is a piece of over-styled crap, and Rachel McAdams has neither screen presence nor acting ability. Why are they still letting Ritchie make movies?
Guy Ritchie was big in the UK for a while, before he was with Madonna. People really loved “Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels” and “Snatch.” (Not my cup of tea) I think his cred went down over there when he got together with Madonna, though; although she got PR training and script and crafted a fake-accent (think Kathleen Turner) and fake-charming persona and managed a couple of chat shows without showing her true self, it didn’t work, by and large. They still call her “Madge” and “Vadge,” make frequent references to her being past it, and if only she would leave…