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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s been six years, but Lana Clarkson can rest in peace, at last. The revolting Phil Spector (whose excellent music has nothing to do with his demeanor) has been found guilty and faces a sentence of fifteen years to life for second degree murder. No one is more surprised than he is. He’s been getting away with close to murder for years, brandishing guns and terrorizing women and children. We’re betting he’s done nothing to prepare for this sentence because he really thought he could get away with murder. The world is a better place!

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  1. Anonymous

    This took much too long to finally nail him for his killing of this beautiful woman. Should have been declared GUILTY from 1st trial..what a waste of time for all concerned from first trial.

  2. Anonymous

    Have you seen his mug-shot? Priceless. He should be sentenced to 30 years and live to serve every single day of it.

  3. dieter

    He is going to jail but the murderer Mary Kate Olsen still roams the streets selling drugs. Only in America.

  4. gerard Vandenberg

    BUT THAT’S NOT ALL, folks!!

  5. Reta

    What was so difficult about figuring out this wack job lunitic is a woman hating murderer the FIRST TIME AROUND????????? He got an extra SIX YEARS free and clear to be crazy and pathetic thanks to the morons on the first jury, who must have flunked the test for brains!!

  6. Hilary

    It’s about time! I wonder how long it will be before Spector’s current wife serves him w/ divorce papers? I give it less than a year. And I wonder whose bitch he will be once he lands in the Big House? His crime is NOT one that inmates look up to… expect a few, in fact, to try and kill him because they’re already in for life…

  7. Anonymous

    That scumbag will end his days on earth in prison. Yippe!

  8. Filthy Spector

    Guns aren’t the issue here. Phil is the issue. Take away the gun and he would have used something else like a knife. Phil is twisted psycho that should have been put in a mental ward a long time ago.

  9. Anonymous

    Yippie Kiyo Kiyay! There is a God and he answers prayer!

  10. pink

    YES! So glad he is in bail
    Hope he dies soon!

  11. Anonymous

    A small, pathetic excuse for a man who needed guns to feel big. Throw away the key.

  12. BaCrack Obomba

    I want to thank Liberal Democrat Phil Specter for supporting me, Barack Obama, by wearing that button in my name. I do rock. I rock the kawk because I am bisexual. I will be pardoning Phil in 2011 because he supports corrupt and lying demoncrats like myself.