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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Jamie Foxx has been found guilty of having questionable taste. Satuday night the Oscar winner and a group of buddies were partying at Xenii,and Karrine Steffans AKA “Superhead” joined them at their table. (She’s the Video Vixen who wrote the detailed book about her sexcapades with celebrities) Jamie seemed to enjoy her attention and she returned to hang with him several times during the evening. Recently Karrine had been keeping company with Bobby Brown, but he’s been in Las Vegas filming his reality show. At closing time (5 AM) Jamie and Karrine left TOGETHER, prompting an observer to shrug “He better watch out or he’ll end up a chapter in her next book!”

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  1. Anonymous

    I hate him. he’s so ugly.

  2. Anonymous

    He’s gross. Can’t stand him.

  3. Anonymous

    Wasn’t Karrine dating Bobby Brown a couple of weeks ago?

  4. Miss Loo

    Sexy Jamie i love him!

  5. Anonymous

    Jamie is soooooooooooo impressed with himself. UGH!

  6. Anonymous

    Who cares?????????????????????????????????

  7. Anonymous

    Who cares?????????????????????????????????

  8. Anonymous

    It is a well known fact, Jamie is a wild boy!

  9. Anonymous

    If I am not mistaken, Mr Foxx has a color complex.
    Ms Steffans’ skin complexion is a little too dark for Mr Foxx.

  10. Anonymous

    When I read Karrine Steffans’ book, I didn’t really feel sorry for her because she never seemed to take responsibility for her own actions and just kept searching for men to pay for lifestyle. She obviously hasn’t learned anything from her mistakes.