Jamie-Lynn Spears , pretender to the pop princess throne formerly occupied by her sister Britney, is only fifteen but she’s got a steady boyfriend. He’s a small town guy from her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana, and they supposedly met in church. Jamie, currently starring on Nickelodean’s Zoey 101, is careful not to flaunt him at red carpet events, but privately they are a hot couple. Jamie and her cute mystery man had box seats at the Mariah Carey concert at the Kodak theater. An audience member told me “They were both dressed in white and looked really happy. He had his arm around her and she had her head on her shoulder.” It’s definitely a romance -can anybody out there tell me this incredibly lucky boyfriend’s name?
Saturday, August 5, 2006
wtf why do u ppl even care???
have some symphony for her.
this stuff is wrong as hell
Say What???
OOH I wanna find a hot college guy that I can fall in love with and get pregnant too! Thats my Christmas wish. =) yay!
I’m 15 wheres my 19 year old hottie at!??!?
His name is Casey Aldridge
Girls and guys should really start to practice abstinence. It’s a shame being a teenager and having a kid. I’m 20 years old and I’m a virgin. I don’t believe in pre-marital sex. I’m a very beautiful girl (I’m told that by so many people), I’m smart, I’m proud and I’m happy being the way I am. There’s nothing wrong with that. I think that today’s teenagers should follow my example.
white trash
Chris Crock-ass
How friggin dare anyone out there make fun of Jamie after all she has been through.
She lost her aunt, she’s going to go through a divorce. She’s going to have one friggin kid.
Her husband will turn out to be a user, a cheater, and then she’ll go through a custody battle. All you people care about is
Personally, I am a virgin and I am 18. I do have a BF and it’s difficult not to have sex but we’ve pushed thru for more than 2 yrs now. Yes we are Christians but if we did have sex —>that does not make us unchristians EVEN the devil himself is Christian because he knows there is a God and he was cast out ETC… Religiously wise my bf and I wouldn’t have the liberty in our society that we have @ church if we had sex. But you know that’s very complicated. If everybody followed the doctrine I do then it’d be more understandable. Now, in my opinion yes they have sinned but they still will continue to seek God somehow. And God alone will have or will not have mercy. In terms of the law…the father will only get in trouble if he’s charged…if her parents want him in jail. I don’t think she’s a whore because at her young age and his age it’s hard to control excitement. And if you don’t have a reason to control than you’re goin to keep having sex. It could have been her first time or maybe not. The first time is a great deal and if that was the case than no comments. If it wasn’t well than they both slipped…they didn’t prevent it when they could of and let’s just say not have sex wasn’t an option.
They can’t just be compared to her sister and Xhusband. They should both think bout their unborn child and choose wisely. I wouldn’t suggest abortion because I’m against it but sure keep the baby but knowing that having the baby is not like getting married. Nowadays, there’s divorce which I am against also…back in the day there wasn’t…A LONG LONG TIME ago The bible is most accurate in terms of the ideas around a divorce but historically wise..I think the divorce was established in the early 1800s bc of Henry the VIII’s stupidity. He was to divorce his wife because she kept giving him daughters instead of sons. He said it was her fault when it’s the guys sperm that really decides the baby’s sex. Which takes me to them gettin married…you know it could work but marrige is a big commitment but if the two suppossedely already live together, than its really up to them to make the hitch decision. Either way, they should really concentrate on their unborn babies future bc that’s what is most important. If they do decide to get married than don’t let anyone influnce wrongly…its not anyone’s business but the couple’s. The couple’s are really the only ones that could make everything work or not. They’ll make the decisions.
Finally, everything I wrote is not intend to blow anyone off. It’s just my opinion and I think I am a very reasonalble and really optimistic!!! I have a lot of sympathy for poeple—any person really. It’s not because she’s a celebrity or I am a fan bc I am not. It’s most def. not bc I am a fan of Britney’s, who I hope to have some luck and gets some sense in her more sooner than later. I find it hard to belive every single rumor out there about the celebs. And all these conclusions people are makeing, are absoulutely crazy! Some people really need to learn their stuff! I think that this couple’s young love (the one people say usu. doesn’t last) should now think that it’s not fun time anymore. It’s time to think seriously because their lives will change immensely. After reading every posting…I just hope for the best of the 3. I think that before getting to a happy place there’s always a bad experience where the media tells it to the public or not. Judging from this pic above, they really might be okay.
To everyone who is upset about the pregnancy – Jamie does have christian family values. You’re just applying your present morality onto her. If you could go back to the days of the Bible in the middle east, you would see that the average life expectancy was about 30, you were an apprentice for your career at around 8, you were married around 12 and you were in your career in your teens. If Jamie got pregnant at around 16, she would have been at the upper end of the age spectrum of pregnancy in the days of the bible.
Britney used to be good to jackoff 2. Then she had kids and lost her looks. Jamie then became the replacement. She’ll still be good till she has the baby and gets fat. Maybe one of the 2 sisters will have a girl and she’ll grow up, get hot and the jacking can begin anew!
Hi Y’all. A message to Lynn Spears: Great parenting! I know it’s not your fault. Kids will be kids and all. You’ve got 2 strikes now. Your son Bryan is ripe for strike 3 and you’re out! Are you working at screwing him up too. Why don’t you just finish screwing yourself up instead. Peace and Love!
Quit all your whining you haters. My friends and I are about the same age (14,15,16). We made a pact to not have sex until we are old enough! We will just give hand-j’s and blow-j’s until we’re 18. It’s not sex if it’s not in the vaje!
I’m 16 and I wanna meet a hot older guy at my church too that I can get pregnant with.
reply to Corey on dec 19 @ 9:24 am: i agree that girls are having sex at a young age, my best friend’s mom works at the hospital and just 3 days ago, a 12 YEAR OLD girl came in who was pregnant.
reply to Corey on dec 19 @ 9:24 am: i agree that girls are having sex at a young age, my best friend’s mom works at the hospital and just 3 days ago, a 12 YEAR OLD girl came in who was pregnant.
reply to Corey on dec 19 @ 9:24: i agree that girls are having sex at a young age, my best friend’s mom works at the hospital and just 3 days ago, a 12 YEAR OLD girl came in who was pregnant.
cKReN$haW mAf|a bL00d GaNg
Axtuallie da babay iz moin…i soled Jamie summ crack & she lett me hit da pink & da stink…
me and ma homiez pullet a anal gangbang on hurr…
da babay iz moin…
she a mos whyte girlz…freakz..freakz an hos…
how did they meet at church, I guess they were not listening in church they problay were playing in chuch
what i find funny is that everyone loved jamie until the recent news of her p regency and suddenly shes like working for the devil. People need to take the sticks out of their asses. are you really ignorant enough to post comments saying only whores have sex that young? I guess that 80% of the teenage population are whores. Its sad that she is having her future predicted because of her older sisters wrong doings. Yes, shes young, but that doesnt mean anything. Some of the best mothers i know are teenage mothers. Give her a chance to make her own mistakes, she isnt Britney and just because they share a last name, dose not mean she is going to follow in her foot steps.
Angry Girl
I find it funny that 16 year old Jamie Lynn Spears is now pregnant with his baby.
It’s rediculous how she would go and get herself pregnant after she has watched her sister’s downfall.
The entire Spears family is messed up. I thought that Jamie would be different then her sister, but I guess not.
I’m 15, and when I was little used to admire Brittany Spears.
When she messed up, Zoey 101 came on, and I started to admire Jamie.
Jamie and Brittany and the rest of the family are bad influences. I think that the Spears Family should try and get out of the spotlight.
Jamie cannot be a role model anymore. And I feel sorry for all the girls, like myself, who had to learn that our role model is stupid and got herself pregnant
Angry Girl
I find it funny that 16 year old Jamie Lynn Spears is now pregnant with his baby.
It’s rediculous how she would go and get herself pregnant after she has watched her sister’s downfall.
The entire Spears family is messed up. I thought that Jamie would be different then her sister, but I guess not.
I’m 15, and when I was little used to admire Brittany Spears.
When she messed up, Zoey 101 came on, and I started to admire Jamie.
Jamie and Brittany and the rest of the family are bad influences. I think that the Spears Family should try and get out of the spotlight.
Jamie cannot be a role model anymore. And I feel sorry for all the girls, like myself, who had to learn that our role model is stupid and got herself pregnant
WTF uh basically all the “spears” family wants attention obviously! they weren’t taught any better. Don’t judge the girl because her mother and father didn’t teach her or Britney anything. they are both just out of control (white trash) anyway. Whatever she sets a bad name for young celebs. just like Miley Cyrus. she wasn’t pregnant but I bet you she’s not a virgin. There were rumors floating around and most of the time part of that rumor is true.
Most teenagers “think” they are mature, just as they think they know better than their parents and others who are actually trying to help them. Whatever happened to plain old commom sense, especially if you are a star in a show which influences young people? Sure she can do what she wants, but it demonstrates pure irresponsibility, immaturity, “gotta have it now” attitude and no common sense or smarts. Young people should learn from this, but their know
it all attitude will undoubtably prevail. Also, with two troubled siblings, I’d have to question the competence of the parents. It’s sad there are so many stupid people (and getting worse) in this world.
Forget the accusations about what is right and what is wrong. Casey and Jamie-Lynn are caught in the same position as a lot of teens. The question now for them to decide is what is best for the baby–irregardless of what the parents are or did.
Forget the accusations about what is right and what is wrong. Casey and Jamie-Lynn are caught in the same position as a lot of teens. The question now for them to decide is what is best for the baby–irregardless of what the parents are or did.
yo momma
i thought that jamie lynn was a goody-too-shoe and wouldnt have sex but i guess i was wrong…
If she was pregnant back in August, any chance she is actually pregnant for the second time?
holy crap!!!!!!! that guy in august knew she was pregnant!!!!!
so she gets pregnant it’s her problem not our problem
I really don’t understand you people, your so judge mental. You really don’t understand ANYONES situation until your in it yourself. There just a normal family who has a couple of issues. The only difference is that they have the entire world knowing there personal business. Yeah, it sucks for Jamie because she’s a huge role model for a lot of kids but she’s just like any other teenager out there and she definately does not need the media up her ass so much at a time like this. Everyone just needs to chill out and be more concerened with there own lives.
Ok, how sad is this that everyone wants to call Jamie Lynn a whore and whatnot. She messed up and got preg unplanned but alot of ppl do that. She doesnt seem to be bothered with it so why are all of u??? Whether her and this boy make it isnt a big deal either…how many non-celebrities last in a relationship. All this ” They’re not Christian” bull is way out there. I dont go to church by choice cuz religion is full of hypocrites…but doesnt the bible say something about only the Lord can judge?! Not sure but I’ve always heard that. So obviously those judging cant be up on their Christian values. Dont get me wrong Brit is a trainwreck and needs to leave what shread of celebrity she has left n work on herself..may have been a bad childhood but not all of us can have some fairytale life. And I love cuz someone said she was preg in aug automatically OH MY GOSH SHE HAD AN ABORTION!! Get lives ppl…I came across this by accident and its sad to see what u all have to say. Leave the girl alone. Hopefully without all the idiots in the world buggin her she’ll end up doing well with mother-hood…who’s to say she wont?! I say good luck to her…it’ll be alot of work but at least she wont have to struggle with the money part. All u pricks need to worry about ur own lives and ur own kids…odds are they’re out there screwin and jacked up on drugs anyways cuz ur attention is obviously spent in the wrong place. Oh by the way…for the ass that made the comment about La not having any laws about this so older cousins could do the younger ones….there is one there…if the baby was conceived in La.,it could technically be considered “felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile”. In Louisiana a person can only legally consent to sex at age 17. If 15 or 16 the other person must be no more than 2 yrs older..He’s 3 yrs older. Depending on where she conceived and other key points he could be facing a max of 10 yrs..which wont happen. Just wanted to clear that up for u non-educated ppl out there..actually the south is alot better with many of their laws than up here in the north… So please leave her be…its her life to live as she chooses.
Ok if you think about it a lot of teens are getting pregnant at a young age. sure its too bad that jamie lynn is a HUGE role model for children, but you don’t see everyday people getting bashed in magazines and all over the internet for being pregnant at a young age. so lay off being so judgemental.
Okay seriously people, shut the hell up. You don’t actually know her. Mistakes happen. Grow the hell up. And its not illegal at all. If your parents allow you and your within/under four years its perfectly fine. And half you people that are parents posting this, if your kids within 14-17 I’m 90% sure they’ve done something. Look at the world you live in. Now if you would just shut the hell up and let them handle their own problems. Its not yours, you don’t know them. I wish them luck. I’m sure they’ll be fine parents. That kid has it made too.
If I ever see him….I’m gonna give him a high five!!!
Just to let hollywood crap gossip know he is 18 and shes 17. He was born in April 1989 which brings him to 18 and wont be 19 till April of 2008. People need to seriouly get a life. I know him and this poor boy cant even go home to get his clothes because the dang media is all over the place. He just wants to be left alone
Just to let hollywood crap gossip know he is 18 and shes 17. He was born in April 1989 which brings him to 18 and wont be 19 till April of 2008. People need to seriouly get a life. I know him and this poor boy cant even go home to get his clothes because the dang media is all over the place. He just wants to be left alone
i just think that she’s a little out of place just like her sister. i mean come on, you’re just 16 how long would you guess the relationship would go? so what if they dated each other since HS, they probably break up anyway. The Spears family are hopeless, nuff said.
just one person
People who keep comparing Jamie Lynn to her sister seriously need to stop.. just because her sister screwed up horribly doesnt mean Jamie had to go and do the same thing.. that was her choice.. it wasnt her parents bad parenting skills or her sister because she knew what the consequences/risks of having sex were and she still did it. it doest make her a bad person.. many girls have had sex aat her age or younger and i am definently not saying it is right but it is her decision and nobody else affected that because the overall thing is it was her choice and there is nothing any body can do about that. i think we should stop making rude comments towards Jamie and stop comparing her to her sister..because in the end we have no say but comments like some made above are not good and she does not need any negativity going for her right now because she has a lot ahead of her so lets just leave her alone and deal with it the way she decides and support her any way we can allow ourselves beacause she needs it.
none of ur f***** business
I think jamie lynn spears is a freakin slut nd she needs to get a life
I want to do both Jamie and Brittney at the same time in the butt, that way I can’t knock up either of those dirty cumdumpsters.
OK, so if they met in Church that makes them Christians, right? Isn’t it written in the Bible that Sex is a sacred thing and should be done only after marriage? And didn’t they (Jamie and Casey)learn that in Church? Or are they too busy f*cking around?
Here is the official law as it pertains to Louisiana:
Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile is sexual intercourse with consent between (1) someone age 19 or older and someone between age 12 and 17 or (2) someone age 17 or older and someone between age 12 and 15.
The penalty is up to 10 years in prison
Most teenagers are having sex by the age of 16. You really can’t blame the parents for what there kids do b/c my mom was one of the most strict parents I knew and yet I still got pregnant at 16. You cant constantly watch your kids, I think its more of them growing up, being put in the spotlight and everyone judging them. If you saw a neightbor going throught the same shit britany or jamie did you would think twice about it. Having sex doesn’t make you a slut, and she’s not stupid. She most likely used a condom but if she didn’t then thats her problem.
And she was so insistent that she wasn’t going to be anything like her sister. But she’s worse. At least Brit didn’t get pregnant before she got married, even if the marriage did fail.
JAMIE should have swallowed his load, instead of accepting it in that hot little snatch of hers. MAN, I HOPE he talks her into making some sex tapes. He should let all his friends do her and film it, that would be so hot. Maybe a gangbang bondage sex video.
some nigga that got her pregnant
The 18 Year Old Virgin
Chloe with morals. I am sorry. I did not intend it to offend. I have nothing against sex. I was speaking more to the young teenagers on here bragging about the notches on their belts. Those are the type of people who my issue involves, as imamom said.
First of all, people are asking how someone knew in august.
The fact is – They DIDN’T.
She has only been pregnant for 12 weeks.
Secondly, I believe it is the american culture or education standards that needs to be looked at. Here where I live, a lot of teenagers have not had sex at the age of 16 (being a 16 year old myself is part of the reason I know this).
You may debate that I can’t speak for everyone my age but out of about 40 – 50 good friends only one of my friends my age have gone ‘all-the-way’. Thats a pretty good sample.
Maybe its the constant education we’ve had since a young age at school warning against these things.
Perhaps its the fact that I attend an all girls school. It could be the right move to separate males and females in high school.
Still, something needs to be done.
It is just as much Caseys fault as it is Jamies, unfortunately Jamie is the one that has to take the consequences.