Jamie-Lynn Spears , pretender to the pop princess throne formerly occupied by her sister Britney, is only fifteen but she’s got a steady boyfriend. He’s a small town guy from her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana, and they supposedly met in church. Jamie, currently starring on Nickelodean’s Zoey 101, is careful not to flaunt him at red carpet events, but privately they are a hot couple. Jamie and her cute mystery man had box seats at the Mariah Carey concert at the Kodak theater. An audience member told me “They were both dressed in white and looked really happy. He had his arm around her and she had her head on her shoulder.” It’s definitely a romance -can anybody out there tell me this incredibly lucky boyfriend’s name?
Saturday, August 5, 2006
just because shes pregnant at a young age doesnt mean that shes gonna be just like her sister. she isnt her sister people! get over it, teens have sex, boohoo! she may have used birth control but it doesnt always work! get over it and stop calling her a slut!
well, to me… honestly, if you think about it, it MUST be hard to be britney sperar’s sister, now i know that everyone hates her but back then, everyone loved her… so maybe this was her way of living up to be just like her sister like evrone has been telling her to do… now i am DEFINATELY not saying that it is okay for her to be in this situation, B U T, if you think about it, that might be a reason…
Casey Aldridge is his name and now THE FATHER OF HER CHILD!!!
soledad is gay….. and im only half gay!!!! and daisy is my LOVER!!!!!!!!!!! RAINBOW PRIDE WHOOP WHOOP!!!! from LPS san jose.
you moma
slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut slut and that foo iz fukin UGLY!!!!!
omg wat a hoe!!!! shez gana be just like her sister.
to the person who wrote ,”Let’s hope she handles her celebrity better than her sister.”, last year. well looks like she so didn’t.
wow….look at all the comments on here…i bet no of these ppl even know that we’re at war, who they’re gonna vote for president next year, global warming problems, genocide in Africa, the rising AIDS epidemic….instead of pointing fingers at ppl and calling them whores. why not get ur asses up and do something productive…no wonder why this world is in such a sad state. if u guys care so much y dont u guys go volunteer for planned parenthood and actually make a difference so there’ll be less whores in the world….U GUYS SICKEN ME
HAHAHAHA….well put
i have had 5 kids im happy
wait.. your bf doesn’t even know what size his own dick is & get the right condom? but he knows he wants to have sex & risk to have kids at a young age?… D. U. M. B. A. S. S.
someone apparently knows what dieing young means.. or suffering?. wow!.ever hear of stds? genital warts? infections? your you STUPID?. your putting yourself at risks.. would you be having sex now & die young. or have as much sex as you want when your older w/ the person YOU LOVE (which you dont’ knwo what that means ho) & live for a long time???… you slut
Go team realtree!!
wow everyone just needs to shut up this is dumb
hes sooo hottt i want him to date me im 17
i agree that she should not be pregnant. She did not learn from her sister’s mistakes.. but made the same ones. honestly, someone is just looking for attention & TRY being famous like her sister. well congrats to her, she did it. She just sank to the bottom of everybody’s list. she was the one girl in their family that had the smarts, but destroyed it in one night. The smart, brave, and ones w/ REAL love no one to wait. but if you do cross paths, learn from your mistakes.. she’s just to blind shot to realize this. She needs to take care of this baby.. 10 times a million beter then her sister did. she should be in jail!! kfed is no better…
Alright then… SLUT! I’m not the one who who got pregnany at 14 with my boyfriends small cock!
a whore is one who charges money for sex, and had multiple partners……get ur facts straight…jus remember for every finger u point at someone else there’s 3 pointing right back at you
abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective…and apparently if you don’t follow it you’re a whore and if you do you haven’t experienced life yet or there’s something terribly wrong with you….so at what age is having sex acceptable nowadays???
You got pregnant because your boyfriend has a small dick, you whore.
i am fourteen. im having sex. i dont see what is wrong with it.. i was using protection but it wasnt my fault i got pregnant. i used a condom and birth control. their both not totally affective and it was my b/f’s big ego that caused our plan to fail. i got pregnant because his ego is huge and he used an over sized condom that slipped off. im deffinatly not a whore though…
i am fourteen. im having sex. i dont see what is wrong with it.. i was using protection but it wasnt my fault i got pregnant. i used a condom and birth control. their both not totally affective and it was my b/f’s big ego that caused our plan to fail. i got pregnant because his ego is huge and he used an over sized condom that slipped off. im deffinatly not a whore though…
I feel quite sorry for her aswell; loads of people know someone who is 16 and has a child. Its not a big deal; as long as her and her boyfriend can look after the baby and she has the support of her family then thats all she needs. I think everyone should stop criticising her and assuming she’s going to be just like her sister- They’re two different people and up until now she’s proved that she’s the more sensible one.
ok lets get realistic here MOST teenagers have had sex done drugs and stupid other stuff
its doesnt mean were whores phenes or dumb we have to learn from our mistakes yes im personally think she knew it was going to happen she didnt know when but do you know how many other kids her age have babies at my school there is about twenty to thirty and we dont go around calling them whores thats completely childish in many ways the only reasons she is getting so much attention is because her sister has made mistakes in that area and shes is a celebrity yes she does play on zoey 101 and is role model but so is alot people and they still make mistakes
my mom git pregnant when she was fifteen
she had me finished highschool had two jobs and lived on her own and now she is a massage therpist which three kids and very well kept.
and i think zoey can be a good mom too
and its looks as if they have a good relationship with the dad
I would not feel sympathy for her…she probably enjoyed the sex. You play with fire…
I feel quite sorry for her aswell; loads of people know someone who is 16 and has a child. Its not a big deal; as long as her and her boyfriend can look after the baby and she has the support of her family then thats all she needs. I think everyone should stop criticising her and assuming she’s going to be just like her sister- They’re two different people and up until now she’s proved that she’s the more sensible one.
Why are we concentrating on the fact that jamie is having sex? Most of hollywoods young stars are having sex. The problem is the environment. Look at our society. Most of us know a young girl 16 years and younger who have had a child. The only reason we are so judgemental on jamie is bcus her sister is britany spears, and as we all know she hasn’t made the best decisions. Jamie is young,but maybe she has learned from her sis. And her boyfriend and her have been together a couple years. Oh, and lets not 4get about her mother who should be watching over her. A nation without guidence will die of its own tradegy.
i actually feel a lot of sympathy for Jamie… it’s really hard to be a role model, sometimes you feel so trapped with everyone just looking at you. and sometimes you crack, and make mistakes, no1 is perfect.
yeah, i’m dissapointed in her. but i’m not going to down her about it. i wish her luck.
and if nick does the same thing and backs the family up. naybe something good will come out of this.
naybe she’ll be a better mother than hers was…
Why are we concentrating on the fact that jamie is having sex? Most of hollywoods young stars are having sex. The problem is the environment. Look at our society. Most of us know a young girl 16 years and younger who have had a child. The only reason we are so judgemental on jamie is bcus her sister is britany spears, and as we all know she hasn’t made the best decisions. Jamie is young,but maybe she has learned from her sis. And her boyfriend and her have been together a couple years. Oh, and lets not 4get about her mother who should be watching over her. A nation without guidence will die of its own tradegy.
Why are we concentrating on the fact that jamie is having sex? Most of hollywoods young stars are having sex. The problem is the environment. Look at our society. Most of us know a young girl 16 years and younger who have had a child. The only reason we are so judgemental on jamie is bcus her sister is britany spears, and as we all know she hasn’t made the best decisions. Jamie is young,but maybe she has learned from her sis. And her boyfriend and her have been together a couple years. Oh, and lets not 4get about her mother who should be watching over her. A nation without guidence will die of its own tradegy.
Kids please look up the definition of statutory rape.
I know the word sounds ugly but it is what it is.
Google it
I would have done her in the booty yo. Poor parenting caused this. Her banging ass body also played a part. No mortal man could lie with her in a bed and not straight bust a chub.
Yeah,just wait till the 3 am screaming and the baby diapers reality check.LMAO. yeah nick,Oh Baby Baby. mans going to scoot..and just another very young single mother.Sad
They are not illegal as far as their age differences in California.
It’s not rape when she lives with this guy and willingly spread eagle to accept his love juice. He shoul have pulled out and shot it on her tits.
where do they reside in? i want to call in now i too know someone same ages that got in trouble
I agree with all the legal issues comments. This whole thing makes me sick. This so called boy should be arrested for statutory rape. Yes you stupid Spears fans RAPE. It’s a law and I urge all people to call the Police Department they reside in and complain. He needs to be arrested now. A relative of mine just got arrested for this crime (same age difference as spears) and now he will have to register as a sex offender every where he goes. Thats right he’s labeled a sex offender just like the same animals who rape children. There has to be some justice. Remember lets flood the police department with calls until this man is arrested!
Beyonce’s sister was married when she had a baby. Jamie isn’t even officially together with her supposed baby-daddy. And people still freaked out about Solange but she wasn’t in the public eye like Jamie Lynn is with her show on Nick that millions of little girls watch.
The funniest part of all of this is the letter that Jamie Lynn’s people sent to the National Enquirer back in August when they first claimed that she was pregnant:
“Ms. Spears is a devout Christian with a spotless reputation, who lives in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards in accordance with her faith.
There is no
I am 33 and my mother got pregnant with me when she was 16. I have a college degree and have a great career. My mother made a bad choice when she was young. But I wouldn’t be here today, a well raised daughter, if she hadn’t. My mom grew up fast and taught us well. I only hope that Jamie grows up as well and learns from this experience. There’s still hope that she will be a great mother.
He should have finished in the butt hole yo!
For you that talk about her being 16 over and over, have you thought about the fact that she has had more life experiences at the age of 16 than you guys will have in your lives? She is not the typical teenager. Oh, and BTW, birth control does fail, so I don’t think all the “she’s stupid not to use birth control” comments are called for. We don’t know the facts. I just hope that she raises the child herself, rather than hiring a nanny to do everything for her. She should make sure her mother has no part in the child’s upbringing, too.
People have the choice of when they want to have sex… it is whenever that person feels that they are ready, sex isnt illegal so she can f*ck whoever the hell she wants to f*ck… its her life and her decision and she is dealing with the outcome of her decision to have sex… and who are we to judge if shes a whore or a bad person… especially if you wan to talk about christian values God is the only one who can judge her not us, no one deserves to be called a slut or a whore, she is in a relationship and in her relationship they have sex, thats normal for a couple… people have sex its not the end of the world! everyone has sex whether your 16, 14, 80… yes i know a couple that still has sex at 80 and i think thats awesome! sex is a normal part of life… to anyone that reads this how do you think you got here… hello 2 people had sex! well unless you were artificially inseminated then they didnt and that sucks… sex is f*cking awesome!
People have the choice of when they want to have sex… it is whenever that person feels that they are ready, sex isnt illegal so she can f*ck whoever the hell she wants to f*ck… its her life and her decision and she is dealing with the outcome of her decision to have sex… and who are we to judge if shes a whore or a bad person… especially if you wan to talk about christian values God is the only one who can judge her not us, no one deserves to be called a slut or a whore, she is in a relationship and in her relationship they have sex, thats normal for a couple… people have sex its not the end of the world! everyone has sex whether your 16, 14, 80… yes i know a couple that still has sex at 80 and i think thats awesome! sex is a normal part of life… to anyone that reads this how do you think you got here… hello 2 people had sex! well unless you were artificially inseminated then they didnt and that sucks… sex is f*cking awesome!
People have the choice of when they want to have sex… it is whenever that person feels that they are ready, sex isnt illegal so she can f*ck whoever the hell she wants to f*ck… its her life and her decision and she is dealing with the outcome of her decision to have sex… and who are we to judge if shes a whore or a bad person… especially if you wan to talk about christian values God is the only one who can judge her not us, no one deserves to be called a slut or a whore, she is in a relationship and in her relationship they have sex, thats normal for a couple… people have sex its not the end of the world! everyone has sex whether your 16, 14, 80… yes i know a couple that still has sex at 80 and i think thats awesome! sex is a normal part of life… to anyone that reads this how do you think you got here… hello 2 people had sex! well unless you were artificially inseminated then they didnt and that sucks…
To Elise: Yes, I know that even when using birth control, you can still get pregnant. And I know that lots of teenagers have sex. However, if you are a teen on a nationally syndicated show for kids, are making damn good money and have a future ahead of you (hopefully) in show business, it’s really dumb to risk it all. There is no way Nickelodeon will continue with Zoey 101 because they can’t have a teenage, unmarried mom representing their network. Jamie can cross off any future Disney projects as well. I don’t think she has a really strong singing voice, so forget about a future singing career. Kind of hard to pull off the naughty schoolgirl gig like big sis did, when you’ve got a baby already on the way.
So basically, she threw away a whole lot of options for her future. It’s pretty sad. Hey, she can still have a good life and I hope she does. It just seems that neither Britney or Jamie were given much common sense. Britney is floundering around, boozing it up and losing custody of her babies, and now her 16-year old sister is pregnant. It’s so hokey as to be embarrassing.
this is actualli quite unfair…why r u makin all the drama??….didnt beyonce’s sister get pregnant wen she was 17..nobody made this much noise….we jst hav to get used to the fact dat teenagers today r lackin parental guidance..nd find away to change that period.
I’d bang the hell out of her, Casey ‘ain’t hittin it right.
And for the record… There is no human “trash.” There are regrettable choices…
Well there goes that Disney career for sure!!!