Jamie-Lynn Spears , pretender to the pop princess throne formerly occupied by her sister Britney, is only fifteen but she’s got a steady boyfriend. He’s a small town guy from her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana, and they supposedly met in church. Jamie, currently starring on Nickelodean’s Zoey 101, is careful not to flaunt him at red carpet events, but privately they are a hot couple. Jamie and her cute mystery man had box seats at the Mariah Carey concert at the Kodak theater. An audience member told me “They were both dressed in white and looked really happy. He had his arm around her and she had her head on her shoulder.” It’s definitely a romance -can anybody out there tell me this incredibly lucky boyfriend’s name?
Saturday, August 5, 2006
Im 16 and I cant imagine myself having a baby!!!
All Im gonna do is pray for her, and hope she will not turn out to be a cray phyco like her sister…
16 is too young of an age to have sex, and girls who do they are kida like whores, I mean, all of these girls that ave sex and get pregnant are usually because they party and they’re pretty wild
I hope everything wwill work out for Jamie and Her bf
She seems like a good girl who just made a REALLY big mistake =[
Jamie Lynn Spears made a mistake.and how much you wanna bet she prolly hates herself right now. She’s going to deal with it for the rest of her life and she doesn’t need people calling her a whore or a slut. Teens have sex MANY teens have sex. She’s just in the public eye. Give her a break…
Jamie Lynn Spears made a mistake.and how much you wanna bet she prolly hates herself right now. She’s going to deal with it for the rest of her life and she doesn’t need people calling her a whore or a slut. Teens have sex MANY teens have sex. She’s just in the public eye. Give her a break…
I never knew it was 18. In the Uk its 16, so i assumed it was there too.
Stupid Girls are Annoying
The Spears girls apparently do not know about birth control. It’s not rocket science to get on the Pill (the most effective way to prevent pregnancy, although not 100% guaranteed). Or if you want to be a bit riskier, how about have your b/f wear a condom every time? What the heck is so hard about that?
As to the age thing: She is a minor (under the age of 18). He is an adult (over the age of 18). In most every state of this country, him having sex with her is called statutory rape. Statutory rape is the crime of sex with a minor under the age of consent (even if this type of sex is consensual, it still falls into the definition of Statutory Rape). It is not up to the parents on whether this is prosecuted or not — it is up to the D.A. of the county in where it occurred. So this young man might face criminal charges – it depends on what the age of consent is in that state, and on whether the D.A. wants to make an example of him or not. My guess — he’s white, good-looking, middle class — so probably he won’t be charged with a thing.
jamie-lynn and casey, you guys are gorgeous. you seem to have a healthy, loving relationship that i’m sure millions envy.
britney, … whats up? love the new track.
have as much sex as you want. go nuts. but don’t be a dumbass.
seriously girls, USE A CONDOM next time. it’s getting old.
jamie-lynn and casey, you guys are gorgeous. you seem to have a healthy, loving relationship that i’m sure millions envy.
britney, … whats up? love the new track.
have as much sex as you want. go nuts. but don’t be a dumbass.
seriously girls, USE A CONDOM next time. it’s getting old.
so…blah, blah, blah…to respond to the post @ 9:40, 12/19…if you don’t care about what is going on in the entertainment world, then why are you posting on an entertainment board? why don’t you go post on bill o’riley or fox and take all of your “big” words you learned in 9th grade last year and tell them about it! And THANK GOD we have a Government who cares about our SAFETY! Maybe you are too young to remember 9/11?? Go talk to the families of the victims, idiot!
Why should the child be put up for adoption? All because Britney isn’t the perfect mother, doesn’t mean her sister is going to be no good.
She is legal to have sex therefore that does not make her a whore. One of my close friends had a child when she was 16 and she is one of the best mothers I know. Therefore I think the people that are criticising her should stop and grow up.
Good luck Jamie with the baby, I’m sure you will be a wonderful mum!
Lucky BOY?? Did you see this guy?? He is COMPLETELY gorgeous!! She is the lucky one!
Lucky BOY?? Did you see this guy?? He is COMPLETELY gorgeous!! She is the lucky one!
he is trash. totalled his truck not long ago on xanax and pain med’s and alcohol. parents keep threatening to send him to rehab. prob should
celebrities are people too. although i know they are looked up to, you have to realize they do have a life outside of their career; and they may do things that can cause setbacks in their lives and careers. i do not think we should condemn celebrities for what they do in their down time. There are many other things going on in the world that we should be concerned with, i think that Jamie is handling the situation well and we should be proud of her for that.
Jesus…all the money in the world and this family can’t figure out how to use birth control??!! It just goes to show, you can take the trash out of the trailer, but you can’t take the trailer out of the trash!
celebrities are people too. although i know they are looked up to, you have to realize they do have a life outside of their career; and they may do things that can cause setbacks in their lives and careers. i do not think we should condemn celebrities for what they do in their down time. There are many other things going on in the world that we should be concerned with, i think that Jamie is handling the situation well and we should be proud of her for that.
I May Be Only 14 But Im In Love. Sex Isnt Sumthing That Shud Have An Age Range To It, Its Fun… I Think Summit Like 10 Is Stupid, But Im 14 And I Dont Wanna Have To Hide The Fact I Have Sex At An Illegal Age, Im Fully Mature. My Bf Is Legal And We Have Been Together For Over A Year.
Although “hollywood figures” should not be role models for younger people the simple fact is….they are!…as are sports figures, musicians, etcetera. Plain and simple, society as a whole is failing the younger generation…and the results are all too obvious. Sex and love are being trivialized and parent’s in general are not talking to their children about what is important. Our children are having sex too young, they are doing far too many things they shouldn’t be doing, and as parents, it is our responsibility to try to help them make proper decisions. Avoiding what is so blatantly a problem will only perpetuate it. Jamie Lynn made a mistake, and for all those parents who have kids who do look up to her, well, reality check….use this young girls “mistake” as an opportunity to have a discussion far too many parents avoid. Name calling solves nothing…and avoidance perpetuates problems…time for us to open our eyes and realize that this is not just a problem the “Spears” family has…teenage pregnancy is out of control and contraception will only stop the pregnancy, not the problem of kids having sex when they are not ready to deal with all of the consequences which may result.
I meant I am in the same boat as Corey and also agree with Tonya,geez sorry.
Corey, I agree with you as well.
spread the seed
seriously ladies im looking for a brunette bombshell to make sweet love to and reproduce, blondes are great too, so if you are interested please email me at, i am looking forward to your responses.
wow.. the spears have just reinforced their status as white trash.. why isn’t more focus on the their mom’s lack of parenting skills
I agree with Shonnell and am in the same boat. I to am now married in my 20’s and I too started having sex when I was Jamie’s age. I don’t think you should have sex at such a young age and if you choose to your parents should get you on the pill immediatley. I had my first child 4 months ago I can’t imagine having one at 16. But she isn’t the only pregnant 16 year old. I think calling anyone a “slut” and a “whore”, especially someone you don’t personally know is extremely immature and doesn’t make you a better person than her.
blah, blah, blah… aren’t we at WAR with TWO COUNTRIES and our currency is devaluating and our government turning into a totalitarian dictatorship ever so slowly… and we care about this skank from the sultry South who has “Christian, family values.” Please, another example of you peoples’ hypocricy eclipsed by ignorance of the uneducated masses, once again.
thanks for the picture of him!!
She’s still a role model. She’s taking responsibility for her actions and is moving forward with her life. Humans are not perfect, it’s our own fault for thinking celebrities should be… it’s how they deal with those imperfections which should be the things we look up to…
To the 14 year old who is having sex….IT IS NOT OK!!!! You say this like you’re proud of yourself. Take my advise, don’t advertise that your having sex at this age. It doesn’t say much about your character….at all. As for Jamie, it is a sad thing but she’ll have to grow up real fast now. Let’s hope she makes better parental choices and decisions than her sister. And like someone posted before….how can someone be so stupid and get pregnant so young when there is so much contraception available. I think it’s also her mother’s fault for not putting her on the pill sooner…especially if she knew she was involved with a young man. Focusing so much on her oldest daughter has hurt everyone.
I love how people continue to call Jaimie Lynn Spears a whore. I really hope you all have kids because you are basically calling them whores and sluts!! Being a happily married 24 year old. My first time was at 16 with my ex-boyfriend. I was with him for 1 year before that and 2 years after that before breaking up! Then I met my husband at 18 and was married at 20. Just because I had sex when I was 16, it doesn’t make me a whore! Did I wish I could go back? Of course I do but I am not a whore!
And the only reason people are calling her a whore is because of her sister! Maybe she did have birth control, maybe she did use a condom! Do we know? Nope! Birth control and condoms are not 100% effective and in this day and age the average age kids are having sex is 12 and girls are getting there period at 9 (learned in my Psychology of Intimacy class in college 2 yrs back)!!! Mistakes happen…it’s how you deal with them that truly matters! Maybe Jaimie Lynn will handle it better than Britney did! Maybe not. Only time will tell! Britney clearly has issues but she isn’t going to change until she realizes there is something wrong and is ready for help! Hopefully she realizes before its too late!
Well I think Casey is HOT!!!!Way to go!!
Jamie i think you are turning out to be a slut just like your older sister(Brittany). You CAN’T be ready for a child and there is a thing called BIRTH CONTROLL!!!!!
what did you expect, she’s britney’s sister.
I’m really suprised that she is pregnant. I used to look up to her but i’m having second thoughts.
spread the seed
spread the seed’s email is serious replys only, thanks, legal girls only no minors.
Just Get Over It. Im 14 And Have Sex With My Bf So Live With It, Shes Pregnant, Its Not Affecting You. Good Luck To Her.
spread the seed
if there are any 18 year old hotties out there who want to get pregnant like jamie lynn let me know. no minors please!
A 16 year old girl is pregnant? There are NO Statutory Rape laws in Louisiana? I wouldn’t be surprised, who’d want to legislate against an older boy screwing his younger cousin. It’s an accepted way to lose one’s virginity in some parts of this country! This is an area where kissing-cousins give new meaning to smooching. And, they met in church? How convenient, praise the lord!
someone posted that jamie was knocked up back on 8/3/07…..wouldn’t that make her FOUR months pregnant?????
someone posted that jamie was knocked up back on 8/3/07…..wouldn’t that make her FOUR months pregnant?????
Renee Hale
She’s too young, inexperienced, and just not ready. I pray that she will be a good mother to her child and take care of it, and not be like Britney, who needs lots and lots of therapy to sort through her mess of a life. Also, I hope Casey is not another Kevin Federline: LLL (lazy, leech, leech). K-Fed has put Britney through the ringer and has taken their children through pure hell. Girls like Jamie Lynn and Britney will always be targets because they are rich and famous, but they are also human with human feelings and human needs. Any slick guy can read them like a book and see what their vulnerabilities are, and prey on that. The next thing you know: They are reeled in like fish on a well-baited hook. Where are the people who are supposed to be watching their backs and taking care of them. You don’t see this type of thing happening to the Simpson sisters, because even though Joe Simpson hovers over them, at least he’s there every step of the way watching every little thing that transpires, and keeping the riff-raff away from his daughters, which is what a parent is supposed to do. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, your parent is still your parent, and they still know more than you. They’ve seen and/or done it all. Use them.
The comment posted on Dec 19, at 7:33 am. was the best one yet! That is correct that hollywood shouldn’t be the role model… it should be parents!
You guys who are judging her are really stupid. You don’t even know her and yet you judge her because of her mistake. It’s like you expect her to be this saint because she’s on a show and her sister is Britney. And the one who called her “just another dumb pregnant teen,” I don’t think that was called for. Just because she made bad choices doesn’t make her dumb. And teens who get pregnant aren’t dumb. I think that maybe this happened to her for a reason. That maybe this will all work out smoothly for her.
Let’s stop pointing fingers everyone! As far as role modles for young children, why is anyone looking to Hollywood for them? PARENTS need to keep themselves aprised of EVERYTHING going on in their kids’ lives. Quit BLAMING everyone else for what your kids know and how they act.
The best thing with this situation is for parents to council their children who watch Zoey 101 and who are fans of Jamie Lynn. Let the kids know she made a bad decision, but that she and her parents are handling it.
I do think it’s best Nick axes the show, or replaces Jamie Lynn. They would just be perpetuating the problem by ignoring it.
I wish everyone would just take the time and common sense to use one of the MANY forms of birth control that are available out there!
Does anyone know what California’s agoe of consent law states? I would be interested in knowing if this is all legal..
In any case, she needs to lose her tv show and stop being a role model for kids. What a bunch of BS. I don’t want my child to grow up to be like her.
Congratulations to Jamie-Lynn Spears. Have a good life. I am sure many people are happy to see you bring up a baby to this world.
Yeah, she’s underage. I think there’s an issue here with him being 19. There was a kid down south that served 2 yrs for having sex with a minor & she even admitted it was consensual. Don’t give me this, “OH, they make a great couple crap.” There’s an issue here & it shouldn’t go by just because it’s Jamie-Lynn Spears.
Whoever made the comment on august 3 about her being pregnant must have been tossing rumors around as she has reportedly only been pregnant for 12 weeks.
She is under 18 and he is over 18. There are some legal consequences here too…. no one has mentioned that yet?
Let’s be mature here people… everyone makes mistakes… you wouldn’t want people talking trash about your daughter if she was in this position… You are just making it harder on her… Grow up and let it go!… It’s not your problem to deal with so just shut up about it.
She made an incredibly stupid choice. Says a lot about her personality and intelligence..Enough said.