Gordon Ramsay has been spending far more time in TV studios than he has in kitchens, so we were surprised to see him doing his own marketing at Ralph’s in Malibu. The temperamental “Hell’s Kitchen” star has had a rough year- he fronts a number of expensive restaurants that are struggling in this recession. And not long ago a woman in the UK sold an explosive story to the tabloids, claiming to be his mistress for 7 years. It was hushed up and his 13 year marriage to Tana survived (above with son Jack) and they’re shopping together in flip-flops.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog andd was wondering
what all is needed to get set up? I’m assuming having a
blpog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m
not very internet smart soo I’m not 100% sure.
Any tips or advice wouldd be greatly appreciated. Appreciate it
Casonia sade logenberry
Today I am saying goodbye to blogging all HELLS KITCHEN BLOGS…I am making my rounds and ending all talks about future Hells kitchen and Masterchef and kitchen nightmares and I am saying so long and I am throwing in the towle on trying to get there attention and it is frustrating and I can’t take it anymore.
Casonia Logenberry
Taxes are a pain in the butt,But on the other hand his wife was cheated and that is water under the bridge and there is nothing any one in this world can do about it and the problem is between wife and husband and of course the world..All Because some woman took it up on herself to mess with a married man and Dis-Respect his wife and Children and Not respect her self as a woman to say no and just walk away but He is attractive and handsome and she wanted him and tagged along for the Ride! And in the end she got rich off the story and made herself look like a hard up fool and really sad in so many ways and she could had moved toward a man without a relationship but this lady seeks married man. And one of this days she is going to mess with the wrong man and get what she get?
Casonia Logenberry
Dear Patrick,Your Right I am yelling and it just poor frustration of trying to get his attention and it is becoming frustrating and really tense to keep asking for a shot at being on Hell’s Kitchen? MasterChef is still No..Because I Have worked as a cook for a living and I don’t want to lie to apply but it seems like I am between a Rock and a Hard place but your right I Will slow it down.
Why are you yelling Casonia?
Casonia logenberry
Casonia logenberry
Casonia logenberry
YES I KNOW I MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH BIG TIME,Because I Have tried to get attention for HELL’S KITCHEN AND OF COURSE LOVE TO BE ON THAT SHOW MAJOR BIG TIME AND OF COURSE YOU REALLY CAN’T SEE WHAT HE IS SHOPPING FOR AT THE STORE AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HIS TASTE IS?I write on this blog every day know to get attention for one of the shows and I know if I GOT THE CHANCE I WOULD WIN THE SHOW BUT FOR ME TO MAKE OTHER PEOPLE LAUGH ON THIS BLOG…Then Great to get a smile on your face and a laugh out of your belly.
gayle liddell
had to write this, patrick, laughed my head off after reading all above insanity, and then yours – thanks for the laughs
I’m scared.
Casonia Logenberry
HOPE YOUR DRINKING MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WATER ON A HOT DAY AND HOPE YOU GOT EVERYTHING YOU NEED WHILE SHOPPING AND OF COURSE THE WHOLE FAMILY LOOKS Great and fantastic and cheerful and on top of the world and yes that is massive amount of food and of course take care and have a wonderful day lovely family and good luck chef gordon ramsay with season 9 of Hells kitchen and is season 10 taken as well..Because if it is taken then..I am going to have to try out again in the future but as you see I have taken over the blog and also I am asking all people that are into SOAP WATCH ONE LIFE TO LIVE LADIES IF YOU LOVE PRETTY HOT SMOKING WHITE BOYS?
Casonia Logenberry
Dear Ramsay family what type of music do you listen to? Music is joy and it really makes my day and of course I listen to Silver chair and Green Day and How does the RAMSAY FAMILY PICK MUSIC TO LISTEN TO WHILE DRIVING IS IT MOM OR DAD OR is every one picking the music and when you go shopping is there a list of items from each one of the littles ladies who are not with mom and dad.
Casonia Logenberry
So I wonder what type of Music is played on the way to the store and when they leave what kind of music is played and for me today was DURAN DURAN and Def Leppard and I really crazy about pretty boy groups like Mr…Mr… Or Whitesnake is good to listen to but I know most people love that Lady GA..GA… So what kind of food you eat when it is just a veggie day and could you stuff a tomato with cheese and bake it with a bread crumb crust or grilled veggies and rice and pasta or what.?
Casonia Logenberry
So I wonder what type of Music is played on the way to the store and when they leave what kind of music is played and for me today was DURAN DURAN and Def Leppard and I really crazy about pretty boy groups like Mr…Mr… Or Whitesnake is good to listen to but I know most people love that Lady GA..GA…
Casonia Logenberry
Dear Ramsay Family..Do you ever listen to Pearl Jam; I love that song Even Flow and Britney Spears song from the Bottom of my broken heart. Divorce is hard to deside and to foregive and keep going on has to do with love and care and The passion and lust you feel from that person and yes one can make up for the mistakes in the pass and people can change and Your a very kind warm person and you are making a brand new start and there is change and I wish you and your lovely family the best and to have a wonderful day and welcome to summer and take care.
Casonia Logenberry
Love is Love and people really care are there for each throw thick and thin and from start to finish and love is the glue that keeps people together and creation of a family from two people who really love and care and respect each other but what is really weird I do Study signs and for Chef Gordon and His Lovely Beautiful Breath taken wife..The Best Signs in the world for them to trust and hang out with is Libra for some reason this people are going to love The Ramsay Family to Death.
Casonia logenberrry
Some times I wonder what kind of music The Ramsay Family listen to and do all the kids love sports and dance and art and dancing? But of course they are going to have the world looking at what they do for the rest of there life..Because of the Gift they have giving to the world and that Gift is passion and care for what you do in the kitchen and the creative concept on hand.
Casonia logenberrry
Fantastic and wonderful to see the family together and just of course we have two lovely cooks and that is Chef Gordon and Tana and her name is so long I rarely hear it all and it is a rare and Beautiful name and of course that is massive food and of course every one likes something different and over the years things change and the kids have massive friends and sometimes visit other people homes and try all the different foods in the world and really open there minds and can afford the very best and of course Chef Gordon Family looks so good and Healthy and strong.
Casonia logenberry
Men that work hard need massive amount of Sex and of course every morning and every Night is the key to keeping a relationship on track.. I understand that Ramsay family have money then send the kids off to summer camp and then make love all day long when your husband is not working Tana… But of course it is your life and it is none of my business but I am just messing around on this blog and killing time talking about A People I will never meet but I just want you to know that your sweet and strong and your holding on for Love.
Casonia logenberry
I am twisted as a lady..I would want to have 7 years with the man of my choice on the side and give him back what he gave me but on the other hand two wrongs don’t make a right. This lady told the world that she was getting it on with Chef Gordon Ramsay and why would she do something like that $$$ Money or she simply wanted to make a name for herself and how could she be proud of showing the world that she is so low to have sex with a man..She knew was married! On top of that knowing they had 4 kids together is really creepy and cruel.
Casonia logenberry
7 Years of Cheating would lead me to Divorce and taking the kids and hitting the road and of course I would stop sleeping with my partner right away and go get tested for everything in the Book. But some woman stay for the kids and out of love for the man and there is nothing wrong with that…Having a Heart that foregives and Lets face facts they are a Family and do love each other Deeply.
Casonia logenberry
When some one Cheats on you..There is often wonder and concern and most of all frustration that follows and I wonder what she did that [I did not do?] But most of all… I would want to return the flavor in Spades.
Casonia logenberry
It is always good to go shopping on your own…Because you can smell the raw food and you can feel how hard or how soft something is and yes it must be wonderful for people who are fans of Hell’s kitchen and Masterchef and Kitchen Nightmare to see him first hand and that store is lucky to have Chef Gordon Ramsay and his Beautiful family grace there little store?
Casonia Logenberry
But it seems like you worked it out and of course you want to save it..Because your still there and his X of Chef Gordon Ramsay did what she did for $ and that is all she wanted..Because did she think she was going to take him away to go so long in the relationship but this woman gives me the creeps and adlease she did not have a baby for your husband and she did this to be a major bitch and to make money off the deal but we are all human and we make mistakes and it seems like you two are working things throw and you seem really happy doing all the things you need to do as a family and of course you have a family and your working on the relationship and that is the only thing that matters.
Casonia Logenberry
You are saving the relationship and your doing it for your own reasons and of course you have to think about the children and that is the reason so many woman stay with cheating husbands and Hillary Clinton did and I lost Respect for her in so many ways because that means she is hard up and thinks she can’t do better then that and when she ran for President I was not going to vote for her any way. I just think that a man who puts my health at risk is not worth losing your health and lets face facts what is this lady of 7 years would had..Had! Sex with some one else..Because she was not getting enough sex from your Husband and got Aids or Hep C..Well your Health could not be replaced and when a partner cheats that means he is dragging you into to his Drama and later trama and my best friend died in 1988 of aids because she kept taking her cheating husband back and know it is 23 years later and I See her daughter who is 25 years old looking like her mother and it really pisses me off that my best friend is not hear to see..How lovely her Daughter looks and of course I told her Daughter all the stories and How we grew up together and I see my Best friend in that little lady.
Casonia Logenberry
When a man is sleeping with two woman and still be able to have a wife who will not leave and that means she is in love and is willing to look the other way and that means keeping a family together but on the other hand! Dear Tana you can take him to the cleaners and Divorce and move on..Your Very Beautiful and lovely in so many ways and you got it going on my Dear.
Casonia Logenberry
As a wife and my husband cheating on me I would be ashamed and yes you have been married for 13 years and out of that 7 years of another woman your husband has been cheating with..Of course I would be holding my head down and would be ashamed but at that moment of course sleeping with my husband would stop 100% but of course I am Divorced but my X never cheated on me and that is not the reason but if he did then I would simply never have sex with him again.. But to make some one your X then that means never sleeping with them again and the children is not good enough reason and it is sad.Because some woman feel like they can’t do any better or feel that they are too old to get out there and try again and of course there is love that makes a woman stay and money and good sex.
Casonia Logenberry
Yes it is good to do your own shopping,Because it is good to look at sales and pick up all your needs and it is good to get out to meet other people and get some fresh air but on the other hand it gets you some alone time with your son without his sisters and maybe you find something at the store you want to try and or something you have not seen for along time and can get it.
Casonia logenberry
I have really Enjoyed Hell’s kitchen..Because it Brings Passion and worry and concern on How People View Cooks..Who really care and have Heart and Soul and What is so nice about Chef Gordon Ramsay is that he has Care in him and concern and worry about each Direction his Cooking times him.
Casonia logenberry
Wonderful to take some time together and gather some Sun and smell the fresh air and Some Father and Mother and Son time together and Having talks and little walks. I Know times are Hard and things are getting alittle harder each day and of course sooner or later something has to give and in life we take just one day at a time.
Casonia logenberry
Being strong and just standing on your own is better to do….Then to wonder down the line if he is going to do it again and it is all about him not getting enough Sex and something about that needs to change and his frustrating should come to an end and you should simply send the kids away to Camp this summer and spend more time with your Husband and really do him to Death and so that way all his stress is washed away. I think your in love and want to keep the family together and yes it is better to foregive but to foreget is another thing and yes…No one can walk in your shoes and no one in this world knows what your feeling and Your love is private and personel.
Casonia logenberry
Being strong and just standing on your own is better to do….Then to wonder down the line if he is going to do it again and it is all about him not getting enough Sex and something about that needs to change and his frustrating should come to an end and you should simply send the kids away to Camp this summer and spend more time with your Husband and really do him to Death and so that way all his stress is washed away.
Casonia logenberry
Staying for Money is Wrong and it is better to Divorce and have the money from your Husband and cut yourself away from his Tax problems and just take a lump sum. Gordon Ramsay is working hard but he needs to cut back on some of his locations and sale it off and also instead of paying the lawyers all that money? It is so much better to pay off UNCLE SAM and end the play with IRS Because sooner or later they are going to Garnish the money and Freeze your money.
Casonia logenberry
It has to be hard for Chef Gordon Ramsay wife knowing that her Husband had some woman for 7 years,She is strong for hanging in there and she must really be in love? Most woman will stay for the children and the relationship and work things out. But if the foot was on the other shoe, I would leave and share the kids and be friends but not be lovers anymore.The reason I would do that is to show my 3 daughters that they are not going to follow in my foot steps but yes you are in love and you really love the man your with but your life was put in danger on so many levels and Aids and Herpes and H.P.V and other S.T.D. Can harm your Health and Lets face the Big facts that your a Beautiful woman and you will not be alone for long and I wonder why woman stay with cheaters, Because in my Heart I think that a woman who stays married to a man that cheats has low selflessness and feels that she can’t do any better and for 7 years that is half of your marriage and that means he has been lieing to you for half of your relationship.
Casonia Logenberry
Dear Chef Gordon Ramsay your Magic on Hell’s kitchen and Masterchef but on Kitchen nightmare you lose because this people are taking advantage of you and they are stealing from you in so many ways and it is better to put your family first foot forward.
Casonia Logenberry
I think that He should sale all but 3 places and just work from them and get all the dead weight off and just lower his level of helping people.. Because when there is no one watching the kitchen there could be sabotagers who are not putting up great food night after night and that could hurt you in so many ways?
Casonia Logenberry
He looks happy and cheerful and on top of the world and his wife looks lovely and beautiful and relaxed and there son jack look taller and more blonder then ever and I hope as a family..They recieved everything they needed for all the young ladies at home as well.
I adore his show and have NEVER missed it! Love the high blood pressured yelling in underlings faces (wish I could get away with that!) but I really really can’t understand how they find so many so-called cook who can’t even make rice! I marvel at how stupid these bunches of dummies are they always get, they barely squeek thru every show with what they’re supposed to be doing! He tears them a new one over and over and yet they go right back in and do it again the next episode. Where do they GET these incompetent assholes anyway and why even bother? The chefs on bravo can cook circles around Hell’s Kitchen’s cooks!
Is Tana a slant eye?
This guy will be bankrupt in a year, two tops.
captain america
get the picture please: