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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo via: Daily Mail

Like clockwork, for the past 25 years, Goldie Hawn, 66, and Kurt Russell, 60, have gone to Aspen for the holidays. They encourage as many of their kids as they can corral together to join them for a white Christmas. After over thirty years of being a couple, we think they have started to resemble each other.

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  1. ringo

    Kurt always had a nice ass.

  2. Patrick

    Sad but true, I disagree. It just gets better with time. Keep the humour fresh and always be freewheelin with the huggin and a kissin.
    And do the dishes properly for Christ’s sakes!

  3. Sad but true

    Marriage isn’t real after 25 years. People aren’t interested in sleeping with each other after all that time. They just stay together because it’s convenient and makes the kids happy.

  4. Bluejay

    Overboard was a ripoff of Swept Away, the Italian version.

  5. Christine India

    At spinner: I loved the movie “Overboard”. It is a very different movie, funny and very entertaining.

  6. XYZ

    Not to mention, that just like Pamela Anderson she always look the same. Same hair, same expressions, same (stupid) clothes…

  7. XYZ

    These two have an open marriage too. Not that it would be wrong, but Goldie is not what she seems to be. Not at all. Her 2nd husband, Gus Hudson knows better. Read his book, Two Versions: The Other Side of Fame and Family. Kate Hudson is a bitch just like her mother, the only difference being that Goldie has some talent.

  8. spinner

    I love them!! Overboard is one of my fav movies. They are growing old together. Very sweet.

  9. chris

    He’s a good actor…she coasted on her “beauty”.

  10. Natalie

    She really needs a new haircut and makeover. She’s not 25 anymore. And what’s with those shabby boots she’s wearing? They look old and dirty.

  11. forrest gump

    do not panic: HE WILL GET A BOOBJOB NEXT WEEK.

  12. lippp

    Which one is Goldie Hawn?

  13. Patrick

    There you are my dear.
    Both of their faces look like very happy vaginas.

  14. Reta

    Yes, Patrick. Is your mother also six years older than you? Must me an epidemic or something?

  15. Patrick

    Good lord, she’s old enough to be his mother.

  16. wordup

    I don’t see the resemblance, but by all means keep enjoying that holiday eggnog 😉

  17. Palermo

    I cannot stand this woman, in every photo she always has those stupid screwed up lips, I guess she thinks it is cute. Reminding me of Courtney Stoddard or whatever that freak’s name is.