We’re not buying Giuliana Rancic’s denial that she has an eating disorder. She claims that cancer suppressing medication she takes causes weight loss and that she eats more than anyone she knows. She says “I know I’m too thin. I want to look fit and beautiful and sexy, but I can’t.” Note to Giuliana: People who feel they are underweight try to make up for it by dressing appropriately. Bright colors, loose fitting clothes, plenty of layers. But Giuliana wears black, super-high heels, skin tight, skimpy clothes that show a lot of skin and bone. She dresses like she WANTS to look as slender as possible. By blaming meds, Giuliana hopes for pity, but actually she thrives on looking thin. Denial is an important part of eating disorders.
(Giuliana is above, right)
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Karen Carpenter: THE VOICE of an era.
deeply missed…..
Photo reminds me of Karen Carpenter, and she came to a sad end.
Gina Catone
Giuliana is way too thin! I heard that there was a photo of her in a two piece bathing suit and G was all skin and bones. Women who go into early
menopause aren’t skinny like Giuliana! If you watch episodes of her reality show you will see she pushes food around on the plate. I feel really sorry for her and I wish she would admit she has a problem and get some help!
when i was in shit relationships i made myself very small….. that was some mental lack of what i was worth going on…
after my BC operation I was put on tamoxifen for 5 years…it sure as hell did not make me too thin… threw me into early menopause and i got pretty heavy…..
i would love to lose weight but still i try to love me no matter what and honor my healthy body…..
no one but this woman really knows what is going on…..attacking her is just playing into her drama which is no one’s BIZ really….. although i saw pics of her years ago when she was a bit heavier, still slender and looked fabulous…..
i wish her well…..
I hate to accuse anyone without seeing them in person, because all those Hollywood types are tiny. The thing is that skinny looks better on some people than others. Some skinnies fool us, but Guiliana’s face needs needs a lot more fat. I would maybe believe her, but when I saw pics of her as a younger woman and she looked great with more weight. I’ve got to admit that she dresses great most of the time.
She is not healthy looking at ALL, and Janet, I agree with you on the cancer medication. Those undergoing chemotherapy lose weight, but this is not the case with Rancic. She is lying. She is, also, plain and simple, anorexic and probably bulimic as well. One huge reason she could not get pregnant pre-cancer is that she didn’t have an ounce of fat on her, and in her show, even said that she didn’t have a regular period (which is what not eating will do to you!). Thanks for calling her out, Janet! 🙂
I would be afraid my bones would break.
Philberto Cardenez
How dis this untalented disgraceful Woman become a ‘thing’? Wake up America.
Her face is gaunt and shrunken. I really hope she gets help. She’s nowhere near healthy. And I agree with Janet – she dresses to “flaunt” her skin and bones.
When I was younger and up to my late thirties, I was very skinny and I knew it. I did not have bulimia or anorexia, I just was not hungry – ate til I was full and that was it. It wasn’t until I was about forty and in a stable relationship, that I started gaining weight and truth be told, I felt better and looked healthier. Looking back, I think there was a lot of stress in my life and while some people overeat to combat that, me I just did not eat. Maybe this is what is going on with Giuliana.
I do not believe her
We all read her list of daily diet items awhile back, she even puts water on her cereal instead of milk. As others have stated most people on chemo meds for breast cancer GAIN weight. Not buying her ridiculous stories. I can see her having heart issues sooner rather than later.
…She says “I know I’m too thin. I want to look fit and beautiful and sexy, but I can’t.”
Ugly woman speaks truth.
She would be SO MUCH better on the radio.
Don’t blame Maria.
mister baja
agree……blame ‘No Food’.
She looks great! Leave her alone. Why assume anything?
It may very well be true she eats more than anyone she knows. It also may very well be true she throws up more than anyone she knows.
I think she’s too thin.
Giuliana is healthy looking.
This “uproar” over her weight and in fact all of the crap being said about her seems to stem from the time Maria Menounos joined E Entertainment. Isn’t that coincidental? All those leaks about how awful Giuliana is?
I think Giuliana looks great. She’s also educated. Did you know she has a Masters Degree in journalism – very rare in Hollywood.
Who stands to gain from Giuliana being outsted from E? Follow the money Janet!