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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


While the cat’s a way the mice will play. Mischa Barton was in Paris for fashion week and Lindsay Lohan thought it would be fun to hang out with Mischa’s exboyfriend Cisco Adler. Mischa and Lindsay have never been fond of each other so we’re not surprised. There’s nothing Lindsay seems to enjoy more than aggravating other females by fooling around with their boyfriends. She has that in common with Paris Hilton. Anyway, Lindsay was at Le Deux playing DJ last week when she and Cisco got friendly. They left together- all buddy buddy – and were seen at a few locations after that. Does she really like him or is she just trying to get Mischa’s goat? Or is HE trying to get Mischa’s goat?

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  1. Kyle

    Peeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww it smells rotten in HOLLYWOODLAND, home of the rancid.

  2. Christy

    SKANKS R’ US opened up and won’t close!!!! The photographers need to throw ammonia on them and blind those feeble pungent celebs……

  3. Timothy

    I would pay money to see a photog smash in Lind’s face hard with their equipment to the point where she couldn’t speak anymore. Now that would be great viewing. Someone do it for the PEOPLE OF AMERICA.

  4. Aaron

    People are sick of them. Are they really clueless to how much the public HATES THEM and wishes they would just go away???

  5. Amelia

    There are no “stars” today. Not like years ago. Today they thrive off of stupidity and have psycho problems etc. Hollywood is just a sewer tank and EVERYONE knows it.

  6. Steven

    The animals in the zoo SMELL better and are more pleasant to look at and be around.
    Let’s release the animals and cage them all together.

  7. Georgette

    There should be an island for them where they could keep infesting each other with all their wonderful garbage.



  9. Harry

    GROSS – plain and simple.

  10. Daniel

    SMELLY WHORE SCREWS SMELLY ROCKER! Wow soooo unusual, lol. They deserve their whole circle of fugs. NOONE else wants to mix with that shit.

  11. Charity

    NOBODY cares about them. Damn they are such losers with crybaby problems, the public needs to boycott the crap they do. They smell like shit up close too.

  12. Leanna

    She is a skank doing drugs like him, and they both smell. Those freaks do have alot of stds, inside knowledge. They are all so fugly.

  13. r. j.

    looks weird to me oh hollywood is such a sin city what would happen if they suddenly disappeared ? they can’t we love the gossip too much

  14. Anonymous

    They all might as well hook up with Colin Farrell and Dave Navarro. Disease city! Ew!

  15. Anonymous

    This situation may not be as sinister as you have suggested, Miss Charleton.
    There is a man shortage in the entertainment industry. Young girls who want to date men have to make do with what is available.
    Aside from this, Miss Lohan and Miss Adler have in common a “fondness for the nightlife”.
    I don’t follow Mischa Barton’s comings and goings closely but she seems to party less than her peers. I don’t often see photographs of Barton stumbling out of nightclubs.

  16. BevHills Confidential

    Paris, Lindsay, Brandon, Mischa, Cisco, the dirty crotch Kims-Stewart and Kardashian, Nicky, ect, ect, all travel in the same circles over and over cause no one else can stand any of them. I just left a BevHills doctors office after working there almost 10yrs. ALL of these kids have herpes or some other STD. Every single one of them. They are all rude and self absorbed. I can finally tell this, they can’t fire me

  17. Shirl McKlinskey

    Question.Is he retarded? He looks very short bus to me.And she needs a peice of pie,too skinny if yall ask me.

  18. Tiffany NY

    Helllllllll Noooo.Why is this drunken crazy cracker dating ol saggy nuts? Sheeeeet she must be crazy shacking up with that ugly looking long faced freak show.HE AINT GOT NO LOVE.

  19. Uola Gabor

    My Dears.In my days a true Lady would never have dated a man from the circus.Why is this young lady dating a carnie worker? Shamefull to say the least.Her parents must be so proud that their daughter is dating such pond scum.

  20. Art Chic

    Yup he’s fug but the son of Lou Adler – and heir to a fortune.
    LL is the oldest looking 20 year old in H’wood.
    Is she the preggers chicks being Blind Itemed?

  21. zombie hands

    Cisco isn’t even attractive!!

  22. Anonymous

    Doesn’t she ever get tired of leftovers?

  23. Anonymous

    Hohan – no surprises there.

  24. Anonymous


  25. Margo Channing

    Plain and simple:
    she is a whore.

  26. spy

    After seeing his revolting nude photo, I can’t believe anybody would want to get with him. YUCK!

  27. Anonymous

    hollywierd up in smoke

  28. jerry

    if lindsay gets stoned, that means that she is sticking to her renouncement of drinking alcohol, right?
    thats what she is doing with cisco…they are getting stoned..and droopy balls probably has a herd time getting it up because he is a daily 4:20 stoner. hahaha
    cheech and chong need to get back together and make a movie about the current stoner celebutards, it could feature countless folks, including most recently, cameron diaz, drew barrymore (smoking a joint at a park) and mischa driving while toking up.
    yes, ill play the lowrider song for them.

  29. Anonymous

    I hope she gives Cisco a raging case of herpes. Both are scumbags and you can add Mischka and droopy balls to the death list that includes
    Birtney (reports of her attempted suicide almost put her on the list with Anna
    Brandon Davis
    Kim Kardashian
    Gay Ray J
    Tara Reid
    ANyone else that needs to be added???