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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We have the feeling that Michael Jackson is one of those singers who die but continue to release new music for years to come. Michael was a huge fan of Freddie Mercury of Queen back in the 80’s and frequently had him over to the house when Queen was on tour in the US. During one visit Freddie and Michael recorded some songs together. The music never saw the light of day until now. Michael’s estate has just okayed the release of the songs and Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen are putting the finishing touches on the music.

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  1. CHRIS

    that damn @ strom thing…is gonna get murked

  2. iron eagle

    some is already out there and has been for years
    Freddie singing State of Shock or MJ singing There must be more to Life then this…

    i hope there is more that we have yet to hear….

  3. Say Something Nice

    Well, he’s dead and was acquitted of all child molestation charges.

    Meanwhile, among the still-living, a child-sex-for-sale racket is rapidly unfolding around the beloved game of football in PA.

    But not to worry, the jewish guy who’s out on bail—the one who an eyewitness reported was anally raping a 14 year-old boy in the shower?—he says he’s completely innocent, but does admit to the occasional towel-snapping.

    Mazel tov!

  4. Diandra

    Wow! Looking forward to this!

  5. forrest gump


  6. band camp

    @Denise, back in 2004 I worked with a woman who had small children and did not see anything wrong with allowing her kids to spend the night with Michael Jackson.

    I could never understand why anyone would leave their child with a known child molester.

  7. Denise

    My $.02 worth: I will never understand why parents allowed their children to have sleepovers with this 40+ year old man. I do not care who he is (or was), or how much money he had. It’s a complete abdication of parental responsibility. It’s even worse that they took payoffs to keep their mouths shut. Of course I think Michael, though talented, was a predator. The children were not from well to do families, but families who could be bought and therefore, were more vulnerable.

  8. palermo

    Did anybody else notice when they showed his corpse in the trial photos that he had no sign of vitiligo? I’ve known plenty of people who had it, I don’t believe him at all. He totally wanted to be white, skin, facial features, hair. He was an amazing entertainer, but as a person he was scum. I don’t care if Daddy beat him or he had issues, there is never an excuse to molest children. Too many families were paid off, they cared more about money than justice. Like somebody else said, a grown ass man does not have little boys sleeping in his bed. Peter Pan my ass.

  9. Patrick

    Nina, my opinion of Mike was that he was a grotesque later in life through mental illness and drug abuse. That reality does detract from his earlier accomplishments and I would murder anyone in a minute who tried to to tell me it was okay sleeping with my children.

  10. Nina T


    I have many of his 80’s music and I’m in complete awe of his immense talent.

    Patrick, would you let your young son (or daughter) sleep in the same room with 40 or 50 year old man? If not, why?

  11. Strom

    Michael’s family are the money grubbers they always were but are now out front with it.

    Both were perverts in their own way,

  12. Patrick

    This music could be instant classic if it rocks hard enough.

  13. Shondra Ortiz-Magro

    It’s sad that Michael is being exploited more after his death than when he was alive.

  14. Patrick

    Interesting to note, if you do your homework, that none of M.J,’s accusers had any credibility when investigated. They were scammers. Why didn’t any of the famous kids who are now adults accuse him? What do they have to lose now? Think of the book money to be made! But nada?!
    Regarding his skin disorder, that was fact.
    He was an American icon as a young man, a unique and talented performer who sculpted his body into iconic poses that will never be done again.
    I am not defending him, merely stating fact.

  15. Chicagoland

    Ah yes, the dead can’t be libeled, so here come the roaches—like clockwork.

    Freddie and Michael both gone too soon—looking forward to hearing their collaboration.

    (And didn’t Kurt Loader die of anal warts, like twenty years ago?)

  16. Nina T


  17. Nina T

    He was an amazing entertainer. Sing, dance, act, write, compose, gave millions to countless charities and had so many wonderous & admirable traits.

    Unfortunately, HE SEPT WITH LITTLE BOYS and that’s beyond wrong. Jackson admitted sleeping with little boys. Surely, none of you would let your little boys sleep with a grown man just because he had gold records and lots $$$ ?

  18. Nina T

    Quincy Jones comments about Michael Jackson’s lighter skin tone:

    “It’s ridiculous, man! Chemical peels and all of it. And I don’t understand it. But he obviously didn’t want to be black.”

    Quincy Jones onJackson’s ever-changing appearance:

    “Oh, we talked about it all the time. But he’d come up with, “Man, I promise you I have this disease,” and so forth, and “I have a blister on my lungs,” and all that kind of b.s. It’s hard, because Michael’s a Virgo, man–he’s very set in his ways. You can’t talk him out of it. Chemical peels and all that stuff.”

  19. Nina T

    MTV news guy Kurt Loder (age 65) appeared on the “Jeff and Jeremy in the Morning” radio show last week and didn’t pull any punches with his comments about Michael Jackson.

    “Its a shame how he grew up … his childhood was a shame … there is many sad aspects to his life, … on the other hand, I think he was a child molester, and that sort of tempers any feelings you might have about him.”

    When asked why he believed MJ molested kids, Loder claimed he knew about secret payouts to the parents of little boys … and pointed to MJ’s bizarre behavior.

    “Having sleepovers with little boys, and you’re a 40 year old man??? Uh, NO. You’re like a child molester.”

    Loder continues, “Maybe being a child molester is the product of a pretty terrible childhood he had … you can see why that might have happened. On the other hand, molesting children is bad.”

  20. Strom

    Michael was a pervert who was ashamed of his race and should have been hung by his horny balls.

    Queen’s music was super but how many other faggots did Freddie infect w/ AiDS?

  21. Muffie

    What Denise said +

    This is so great, Michael is getting the last laugh on all of the LOSER’S who ever trashed and falsely accused him of wrongdoing. Long live the KING!!

  22. Denise

    I’m looking forward to hearing this music, especially if it passes through the hands of May and Taylor.

  23. Patrick

    Did you know that Michael’s great grandfather was a sharecropper named Prince?