German fans absolutely mobbed Johnny Depp when he premiered his new film Minamata at the Berlin Film Festival. Looks like Johnny is doing a decent job of resurrecting his career. Instead of playing a debauched self-indulgent character (like Hunter S Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,) Depp’s Life Magazine photographer in this film is a real-life hero. Depp is producer, and his character exposed the horrible impact of industrial pollution in a Japanese town in 1971. He did the world a favor by documenting exactly what toxic mercury poisoning did to a small and helpless fishing community in Life, thereby stimulating the examination of corporate greed.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Giuliania di Pandi Rancid
He’s definitely on the rebound; and many forget that the Amber drama played out coincident to his being ripped off–to the tune of millions–by shyster accountants.
Johnny has paid a high price for all that he has received over the years.
And the new film sounds very good. Maybe heightened awareness will cause viewers to also question the presence of mercury in VACCINES.
I hope his career will be back on track asap
anderson koop
Nice to see him bounce back after Amber’s lies and extortion attempts