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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


George Clooney’s date Elisabetta Canalis was a knockout at the Venice Film Festival. THIS time George didn’t have to take his date shopping for dresses before a big event. Usually the objects of his affection are young waitresses who don’t have evening gowns in their closets suitable for elaborate occasions. Elisabetta, 30, is an Italian actress/model with a job as a TV host so she’s a bit more experienced. George’s right hand is bandaged from when he slammed it in a car door. So he says.

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  1. caro

    she looks alike cindy crawford and she has a great dress

  2. Debbie

    All of his g/f’s look the same because they all look like me…the one that got away…and I have been kicking myself for it for over 30 years.

  3. Bu

    All his girl Friends look alike!

  4. The Dudette

    She looks like Kristin Alfonso AKA Hope from Days of our Lives?

  5. L'il Off Broadway

    She must be lacking in the tit department. Gay-boy and she were on TMZ today in a black dress which she kept tugging on because it almost fell down exposing her pancakes.

  6. dee cee

    If she’s willing to over look the handsome house boys.. well.. ok.

  7. Miss Eva

    So what if he’s gay? He’s not obliged to share that information with the planet. In any case, despite the unfortunate tattoos on the arms, this is indeed a very pretty “beard”, much more beautiful than that ugly hag of a waitress with the plastic boobs, Sarah, that he recently tossed to the curb.

  8. Agent Ego

    Hilarious, he got outed by a stripper at that press conference, something tells me dude is a hooker that George rented back in the day, or did that one get by you people?

    Of course he’s gay. Loves the company of a pretty hag just like any other ordinary urbane queen.

    The older he gets the harder it will be to hide his obvious case of gayface.

  9. clementine

    i’m sure George didn’t slam his hand in the car door, but how did he hurt it? any gossip on that? i haven’t heard anything so far…and yes, his date is a porn star in Italy…her pics have been shown on other sites…she’s quite pretty, regardless…

  10. Barkley

    He’s gay gay gay, every one of his female beards looks like a cover up.

  11. Paula

    She’s a beard, like all his other “dates”

  12. Sara from Venice

    Dear Sophia
    Don’t you know all men (especially italians) usually call a woman puttana because she is more than they can afford?
    Eli never does anithing wrong in my opinion and she is so beautiful, maybe you are a little envious, don’t you?

  13. sophia

    You know NOTHING of Canalis! All the exes had more class than this one (and kept their clothes on!) friend in Rome says everyone knows she’s puttana.

  14. captain america


  15. Reta

    She looks exquisite and perfect for him! And he looks like he stepped right out of “the good ol days” with Cary Grant and Clark Gable and David Niven. Good job, Clooney! Class all the way!!

  16. dandy lion

    This may be the last faggot cover-up that our little fairy Georgie will pull. Then, it’s out out out, out, I say.

  17. right

    George has a pattern of dating women prior to commitments of public functions. After the functions are over, so are they. Back to the ===============D