Sorry, but we cannot in our wildest dreams imagine casting George Clooney to star in the Steve Jobs life story. George is a decent actor but we cannot forget that he’s not only movie star handsome but a smooth ladies man – and was never a nerd. Since Sony bought the rights to the Apple mogul’s story, George seems to be the most serious contender – the challenge is playing Jobs both young and older. But there are many better choices. How about Andy Samberg or Christian Bale? We think Ryan Gosling might be perfect. How about Matthew Modine, Michael Cera, or Adrian Brody? What’s YOUR opinion?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
forrest gump
psssst: try “John Delorean” first!!
Here’s an interesting casting idea, how about John Malkovich??? I actually think he could really pull it off.
Actually, I think Steve was pretty good looking when he was young. Also, that’s what makes George a good actor, he can adapt to the role. Only a BIG actor will get this role, so rule out all B actors.
This is stupid, cast Noah Wylie. He did a fine job playing Steve in Pirates of Silicon Valley so why not let him reprise the role?
The guy was an asshole, therefore Clooney is a likely choice to play him-typecasting as it were.
Christian Bale is the best choice because just like Jobs he is also a perfectionist who sometimes rubs people the wrong way so their personalities are similar and not only can he play him but he is probably the best actor to really be able to visually embody Jobs, Bale is the only choice
My picks would be Jim Carrey or Crispin Glover.
Christian Bale would be the one to play Steve Jobs…perfect….
Christian Bale is a decent actor but a trouble maker. He is too high-maintenance.
I actually enjoy George playing against type. I don’t see Christian Bale in this kind of role.
Hilary's Duff
A film about Jobs? Let’s face it, this guy couldn’t get along with anyone. I wish uninformed housewives and trendy hipsters would stop buying faulty Apple products.
Christine India aka Indy
Cleve: Yup, Noah would also be a good one to consider. Basically tho I don’t give a flying rat’s ass.
Noah Wylie is clearly the best choice. He’s played Steve in the past, he’s a good actor, and best of all–he looks like Steve.
Billy Bob is an excellent choice!
Indy & Eugene are right on the money.
Christian Bale or Edward Norton are better choice
Christine India aka Indy
Eugene…I agree…BBT is the best one for this part.
I have such mixed emotions about this. Clooney I think is the best choice. I’m more interested in the latter day Jobs, who was living with a terminal illness and remembering his TITAN days — when he got his own company stolen from him buy that slick, tan guy from Pepsi, Scully. Outrage! Jobs got it done. How? Well, that could get innerestin. Clooney for the win!
Melvin (Klippers)
it’s all about those ticket sales baby! if georgie boy helps sell those theatre tickets then who cares. on the other hand they could make it a comedy and put pee wee herman in it.
Steve Jobs warned President Barack Hussein Obama last year that he risked losing re-election over his policies toward business…so true.
Billy Bob Thornton could definitely pull it off