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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

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  1. Mel

    Her body was awesome in Thelma & Louise. It so cool to see someone in Hollywood who actually gains weight while she’s pregnant & is happy how she is. I’m sick of women in Hollywood who have babies & one week later they’re back in their regular clothes. It does happen, but I think it’s cool she has not bought into the Hollywood crap of eating disorders etc.

  2. Anonymous

    Wow your wife is lucky

  3. Patrick

    I don’t have to google it!
    I know what it is!
    My wife goes Mensa once every month and I sleep on the couch.
    I hate Mensa’s!
    Smart maybe! Common dog…forget it!

  4. Kate

    Patrick- no dipshit. Google it.

  5. Anonymous

    she looks terrific before and after.
    i dig the converse.
    plus, tall chicks rock.

  6. Patrick

    Isn’t Mensa when women go crazy?

  7. Anonymous

    Geena is a real mom, and real mom’s don’t run around in fancy outfits. She’s like the rest of us, she dresses up for an occasion, and the rest of the time she takes care of her family…unlike some loser mother named Spears.

  8. Anonymous

    Hey Margo are you a member of Mensa? Cause Ms. Davis is… Do you even know what MENSA is?
    Before you call people oinkers take a look at yourself.

  9. Margo Channing

    “Glamorous presenter”?
    Try Bag Lady In A Designer Gown!

  10. Patrick

    She looks like one of those persons that pushes their life around in a shopping cart.
    Hey look!
    Somebody threw away this perfectly good jacket.

  11. Anonymous

    she is fabulous and was stunning in thelma and louise
    yeah go my girl from Cape Cod!!!!!(Wareham)

  12. Anonymous

    I’m sorry – I’ve never thought she was good-looking.

  13. eau so fresh

    She looks great. I loved her in A League of Their Own.
    That’s Fresh!