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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Gabriel Aubry has limited time with his daughter Nahla so he took her to a Beverly Hills park for some fun. Gabriel has been battling his ex Halle Berry in court for joint custody of their daughter but Halle can afford bloodthirsty lawyers so she has an edge. Aubry’s big mistake was having two dates with Kim Kardashian last year before Kim hooked up with Kris Humphries. Halle flipped out and the legal battle escalated with lurid accusations galore. Ironically, Nahla seems to look more like her handsome daddy every day.

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  1. Village

    It must piss Halle off that the child looks like the female version of her father. And her current boyfriend is a womanizer. It’s just a matter of time before he gets tired of the crazy sex and dumps her (*)(*).

  2. Patrick

    Certain errors shine through the muck.

  3. Strom

    “Frank, I gladly shake you hand man. NOBODY is sicker or more of a BORE than the totatally fucked up strom. And you’re right, he’ll NEVER “get it” because he’s too backward and dense. Putrid fuck.”

    This foul language and hatefilled comment is the type that JC should not condone on her site. It’s not about posters but some can’t understand that. Obviously a bitter person who life passed by. Obama would be proud.

  4. Strom

    She started by getting a “loan” from her white boyfriend to but her some new breasts…as noted widely, she was true to her color and failed to repay the loan. Her fake breasts are still shown off w/ pride.

  5. You go girl

    Halle is a crazy person. Everyone she dates dumps her because she’s nuts.

  6. Denise

    Yes, Strom is many things, and teflon coated is one of them.

  7. Patrick

    Careful REta.
    The force is strong in that one.

  8. Strom

    What a foolish rant from poster’s experienced in crossing the tracks and finding that they lead directly to nowheresville!

  9. Reta

    Frank, I gladly shake you hand man. NOBODY is sicker or more of a BORE than the totatally fucked up strom. And you’re right, he’ll NEVER “get it” because he’s too backward and dense. Putrid fuck.

  10. Reta

    What an unfair thing, keeping a child from her daddy. That is evil. he has every right to see her and have have custody unless he’s unfit, which I haven’t heard a bad word against him. She’s going to fuck up her career by doing this to her baby’s daddy.

  11. Christine India

    Oprah has had Halle on her show at lest two times and the whole time all she does is whine and say ‘poor me’ and claims she will never marry again. Who would want to marry this mixed-up crazy, who has absolutely no morals. She is a total beeatch and it has been proven many times. I hope Gabriel gets half custody at least.

  12. Strom

  13. forrest gump

    …….are you sure he isn’t a PAEDOPHILE?

  14. frank


    Nothing could be MORE obvious than your fear, jealousy and envy. You proudly display it EVERY TIME you comment here. Even more pathetic, you clearly don’t realize it…

  15. Strom

    A poor reading of the actuality I think.

  16. The Hammer

    Strom, I feeling so warm inside knowing this messing with your head. The BLACK MAN is scaring the ARYAN man. Hot chocolate for everyone .

  17. Strom

    Michael Jordan isn’t going BLACK either:

    BLACK women are getting pushed to the rear of the bus but its by BLACK men!

  18. Patrick

    How come REta hasn’t said anything reeeally ssstupid yet today?

  19. Nina

    Halle has always struck me as someone who could be a real bitch if the circumstances were right. She should not keep their daughter away from her father; he has done nothing to indicate that he isn’t a good father. Even though he WAS free to date anyone he chose to, a small lapse of judgment in going out with Kim “The Maneater” Kardashian should not be held against him like this. Get a grip already, Halle.

  20. Muffie!!

    What a pretty princess! He’s not so bad either. Good for him, remaining a solid presence in his daughter’s life. She seems to adore him.

  21. Natalie

    It’s always the children who suffer. Halle Berry ought to be ashamed of herself, keeping her daughter away from her father.

  22. Palermo

    Halle is insane, she always makes up lies after she breaks up with somebody. This man has every right to see his own daughter.

  23. Patrick

    Sheesh! That poor bastard was married to Berry?!
    I wonder how many concussions he’s had?
    Dude can take a punch! Respect.

  24. chris

    He is the better parent.
    Halle played the race card on him which was pretty disgusting.
    I agree she is either crazy or incredibly selfish.

  25. hello

    I thought he was a top model.

  26. The Hammer

    He made a mistake going out Halle Berry, not because he crossed a color line, there Buford of the southern Alabama Klan. She’s a mess and if you date someone, date someone with sense.

  27. Edith's "Designer" Head

    Father and daughter are adorable. Halle Berry appears to be a jealous controlling ex. So very sad.

  28. Strom

    He made a mistake by crossing the color line with nutty Halle. After his encounter with Kim K hopefully he was well checked for std’s.

  29. Cal

    They are both cuties

  30. frank

    Could this little girl be any more beautiful? Wow.

  31. Bu

    Halle is a very rich lunatic!