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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Heiress Chloe Green took her trophy boyfriend Jeremy Meeks out for an evening in Paris and he looks like he’s had quite a makeover. Actually Jeremy is looking quite comfortable with this polished look – and he has to look his best, because he’s the model for Chloes’ father’s Top Man fashion company. Today Jeremy was in Beverly hills shopping alone at XIV Karats (it’s Chloe’s birthday) and when he left, he handed the valet a hundred dollar bill and said “Keep the change – I don’t need it!”

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. SouthernGirl

    The only thing going for him is his eyes. And it looks like his hair is exiting stage room left. He better be saving up some of that money.

  2. Edie on Sunset

    Meeks was charged & went to jail for robbery and corporal injury to a teen. He assaulted a teenage boy.

    He had already served a 9 years for grand theft.

  3. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    She was known internationally for being in the market for a boyfriend, for which she was willing to pay handsomely (that is how she came to be with Jennifer Lopez’s ex-husband, albeit briefly).

    In Jeremy she has found something familiar, considering that her father is one of the biggest CROOKS in the UK.

    As an ugly girl, Clo-Clo hasn’t done too badly–but that turtleneck really should be pulled up to just above her brows to do it justice. 😀

  4. lippp

    The problem with trophies is they loose their shine over time unless they given constant attention and maintenance. And before you know it there appears a new trophy, brighter and shinier and it is so easier to drop the old one for the new. Just sayin’.

  5. Diva

    beauty called it

  6. beachy

    She’s a fool.

  7. producer

    sure, it’s pretty lonely in jail.

  8. Paloma Sirieda

    a heinous criminal

  9. BoBo

    Wow…wonder if his kids could use the money?