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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

Frolicking In the Hills

This hunkalicious dark haired actor had a long running hit sitcom a few years back and he’s been highly visible on TV ever since. Men envy his looks and women are dying to get their hands on him. Wouldn’t his fans be surprised to learn that their heartthrob often shows up at those pool parties that the “gay mafia” hosts at fancy hillside homes! Wealthy Hollywood gay men throw these bashes to meet young cute guys – often frolicking without their clothes on. Our actor has made it known that he prefers “smooth, blonde, blue- eyed young men.” And this actor has no qualms about socializing au natural – he’s proud of his body!

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  1. Anonymous

    Most of the posts suggest guys that are WAYYY too old or out of shape to still be considered “hunkalicious”.
    Wilmer’s dark-haired, vain as hell, beyond proud of his body and never let’s an opportunity pass to show it off– including “au naturel”.
    Wilmer also meets every criteria of the BI including: He starred in a long-running sitcom a few years back, he continues to be highly visible on TV, he has a “body men envy and women want to get their hands on” and his fans would by all means be SHOCKED as hell to know the truth.

  2. Anonymous

    oops…sorry..sitcom..I wasn’t paying attention..yeah..John Stamos (my major celebrity crush for years)..but I still wonder about Dean Cain..

  3. J

    Dean Cain? I’ve always wondered about him..

  4. Anonymous

    George Clooney used to be on Roseanne. He fits the clue.

  5. Janet Buttimer

    Gary Coleman

  6. Anonymous

    george Clooney was on a sitcome, Remember the girls school with Tootie, cant think of the name, but it was a long time ago. And his posse includes Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, Blondes! could be, oh yeah, The facts of Life was the show. John Stamos fits too with Full House, and he married a blonde woman.

  7. Anonymous

    ER isn’t a sitcom, and Clooney hasn’t been on tv since, so it’s not him.

  8. Jergens Loshen

    Well, John Stamos certainly would be no stretch of the imagination. Plus he joked that he liked blue eyed blonde guys at the GLAAD awards a while back. Was married, divorced and shows up at gay functions and on LOGO quite often. Stamos is my bet.

  9. Anonymous

    didn’t he say he was going to date a new woman each day of the week and even be photographed holding hands with Leo DiCaprio (smooth blond blue-eyed young man)on the beach to keep the tabs guessing?

  10. Anonymous

    Gys, this is so GEORGE CLOONEY! Think about it: long-running t.v. show, desired by women, etc. But the clincher is that he is ‘envied by men’ as well as loved by women. Matt LeBlanc and John Stamos lack that appeal; Clooney’s got it.

  11. Anonymous

    holy cow john stamos…he is always saying do what u got to do but do it behind closed doors!

  12. Anonymous


  13. Anonymous


  14. Anonymous

    Tony Danza!!!

  15. rebecca Romjiin

    hey yeah…close though huh?

  16. Anonymous

    Hey Rebecca, you should learn how to spell your last name hon.

  17. Rebecca Romjiin

    me and Johnny loved romping around our house in the all together and we’d invite friends but he seemed more interested in our male friends….
    now Jerry is all man!

  18. maak

    no doubt im my mind, it’s JOHN STAMOS!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Anonymous

    My first thought was John Stamos too!

  20. Toni

    LeBlanc hunkalicious? I don’t think so.
    I can’t imagine any man envying his looks or any woman wanting to thier hands on him. ewww
    He was slightly cute when he did the Heinz commercial back in the day.
    Mario Lopez was just au natural on Nip/Tuck & he had Saved by the Bell. And he is cute.
    I like that answer way better than Joey.

  21. Adele

    I cant decide between Stamos and LeBlanc; both fit it perfectly.

  22. Anonymous

    John Stamos

  23. Rebecca Romjiin

    Scott Baio is hardly highly visible…only at the Playboy Mansion

  24. Glamour

    John Stamos,

  25. Anonymous

    It’s Scott Baio-chaci…
    Yes it is!

  26. Anonymous

    John Stamos

  27. Anonymous

    Me too, Becca. 😉

  28. Christie

    My guess was Matt LeBlanc, but John Stamos sounds like he fits the description more.

  29. Anonymous

    Len Fico

  30. Anonymous

    Will Smith

  31. Rebecca Romjiin

    John Stamos….me thinks….

  32. Anonymous


  33. Anonymous

    len fico

  34. anonymous

    Tom Selleck?

  35. Anonymous

    LeBlanc–no–remember, he’s “proud of his body”

  36. Anonymous

    My first thought was John Stamos… I bet that’s who it is

  37. Anonymous

    I was also thinking Matt LeBlanc…tried to do the marriage thing but failed..seems like a “mo” to me.

  38. anonymous

    matt leblanc?

  39. Anonymous

    This hunkalicious dark haired actor had a long running hit sitcom a few years back
    can’t be mario lopez.
    maybe john stamos.
    once on the excreable “full house”, now on ER?
    a good looking guy and I always hear he’s a fruit.

  40. Anonymous

    come on ya’ll it must be mr. mario (dancing machine) lopez, right?