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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It must be fun having Frances Cobain (daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love) for a girlfriend. It’s almost like winning the lottery for her musician boyfriend of one year, Matthew Cook. Cook is lead singer in the band The Ceremonies with his younger twin brothers. He also records on his own. Frances’s divorce from her other musician husband was just finalized in November. Meanwhile Matt is enjoying meals at fancy places and luxury vacations in Hawaii (photo above) with his wealthy girlfriend.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Paula


  2. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Is there a pre-nup for “dating?”

    Frances may want to look into one, after her extremely costly and protracted divorce; she was actually married far less time than it took the sharks to divvy up the spoils (i.e. Curt Cobain’s former cash).

    Although if there’s any truth to the comment above, that would explain why grasping Mama Bear Courtney isn’t making trouble. Yet! 😀

  3. Paloma Sirieda

    She gets the best heroin for him from her Mother