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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Looking at billboard queen Angelyne is always compelling but we never thought we’d have the opportunity to peek into her HOME! Just our luck, Angelyne put her Malibu condo on the market and The RealEstalker got the photos! The condo is listed at $575,000 (it must be in the unfashionable section of Malibu) and it has 3 tiny bedrooms in 1810 sq ft. It’s a “short sale” which sounds slightly ominous. She didn’t bother with a professional photographer but the hot pink decor literally jumps out at you – pepto pink fur, feathers, and velvet. We’d love to sneak a look into her closet. If you look closely you MIGHT see Angelyne’s reflection in the glass doors on bottom photo as she snaps a picture.

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  1. Barnacle

    LOL SqS!

  2. Sebastin's Questionable Sexuality

    barnacle, there’s nothing elitist about sc. he wishes. someone wealthy and elitist has no time to post on a gossip site. food for thought.

    sc, you’re the biggest troll around here!

  3. Palermo

    Born in 1958? Uh I don’t think so – maybe 1948 but my guess is earlier than that

  4. Indy

    SebastianCanada, my little Maple Leaf, I don’t want to touch the “M” word, as it is a ****Touchy****subject, regarding it being a sin. More later, and FYI, you are coming along and progressing nicely.

  5. Patrick

    Only in Hollyweird.

  6. Barnacle

    Sebastian is it necessary to put down fast food workers to make your point? In this economy many people are forced to do that type of work to get by. Don’t be such an elitist snob or someone “loser” will spit on your fries!

  7. Bettye Bluejay

    When she moves Angelyne will need three full size dumpsters for all that cathouse furniture.

  8. Jerry D

    Nobody knows how sad Angelyne is or isn’t. But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that someone who has achieved an impressive level of fame with nothing more than big tits and a pink Corvette knows something about marketing. Her problem, as I see it, was not knowing what to do once she became famous. Paris and Kim (or their advisors) knew how to profit from vapidity.

  9. SebastianCanada

    Sorry Questionale, I am assuming you have a job. And I am being hard on ya — having to say “you want fries with that” a thousand times a day must take its toll. But, masturbation is not the answer — and, ask Indy, it is a sin.

  10. SebastianCanada

    Ah the trolls are at it again.

    BTW, how did you ever get a job with such pathetic typing skills?

  11. Sebastin's Questionale Sexuality

    losers never win. if she is having money problems, the i hope she can sell and have enough money to live off for the remainder of her life.

    i hope your 2011 is better too, you need to get a job!

  12. SebastianCanada

    Wow! The more you know about her, the sadder a character she seems (80 seconds of total screen time for two different movies listed on her CV). And by the most generous calculations she is 60+ now.

  13. dimes

    The LA Times ran a great article on Angelyne 15 years ago. At the time, the speculation was that she was in her mid-50’s.

  14. Lucyann

    I kind of admire her. She wanted something and found a way to get it. Just because her life isn’t our cup of tea doesn’t mean we should look down on her. She isn’t hurting anybody.

  15. Bettye Bluejay

    In a previous Angelyne post, someone said she was born in 1958.

  16. Jerry D

    Janet! As if Angelyne is not suffering enough, you post her photos directly above the ‘Petite Hippo’ story. Rupert Murdoch would be so proud of you.

  17. Walt Cliff

    You did not spell her name correctly. It should be ….. Angelyne. I’ve read that she is in her early to mid 70’s.

    Hope she isn’t have money problems.

  18. Irony

    Donna Douglas (Ellie Mae from “The Beverly Hillbillies”) should have listed this property. Today, she and Angelyne look like twins separated at birth.

    And if Mamie Van Doren and Dolly Parton also showed up to lend their support, well, now we’re talking PARTY.

  19. SebastianCanada

    Something Nice, that was very touching and informative. Angeline’s situation is sad on many levels, not least of which the symbolism — how it relates to the current economic situation (in the U.S. and the rest of the world). Here is hoping that 2011 is a much better year for everyone.

    (Damn, Janet’s Thanksgiving post has gotten me all sentimental and mushy!)

  20. Denise

    I have never heard of this woman, but she appears to be a rather pathetic creature. What was she on billboards for?

  21. Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel

    Heidi Montag should take a long long look at this picture. Britney and Paris probably too. Surely this is in at least one of their futures!

  22. Something Nice

    And, after looking at that top photo, one has to wonder how many times Angeline has been approached by Boy Scouts (do they still exist?), asking, “Help with your bags, ma’am?” only to reach for her GINORMOUS breastages! 🙂

  23. Something Nice

    No, a short sale doesn’t sound good, and unfortunately, they are all too common these days. But even beyond that, for some reason, seeing where Angeline actually lives is a little sad.

    After all, her great talent was her mystique. Years ago, the long-defunct and much-missed BUZZ magazine did an “investigative” piece on Angeline; it was really great, filled with sightings and rumors of this mysterious woman and her famous billboards that captivated so many Angelenos. One would have thought that her “Management,” whose 213-number was always displayed on the boards, would have done a better job for her.

    She could have easily hosted old movies on Channel 9 (when it was still KHJ) as counter-programming/competition to Cassandra Peterson on KCOP-TV 13, whose Vampira persona turned into a nice little franchise—that she’s still making money from these many, many years later.

    Ah well, best of luck to Angeline—and everyone else struggling in these uncertain times.

  24. Hilary

    Sad. I’m sure she’s old enough for Medicare and Social Security to kick in — and yes, off to the nursing home.

  25. Palermo

    Is she going into the nursing home now? That condo is beyond tacky.

  26. SebastianCanada

    Angeline is a very sad character. She wasted her life chasing an unattainable dream using a ridiculous strategy. She is THE lesson to followers of New Age philosophies like The Secret. See it. Wish it. Get it. Bulls**t.

  27. Lovely

    that bath pic could have been omitted. disgusting!

    when will these no-talent, money chasing women learn to SAVE what their sugar daddies give them. and not spend it on frivolous things.

    she’s out of money. or really low on money, poor thing…

  28. strom

    Tranny hostel!

  29. yoyo

    Wow, Malibu Barbie really does exist, cool.

  30. dimes

    The suction bathtub pillows are a nice touch.

  31. Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel

    Exactly how does this woman make a living anyway? I have never heard of her being employed or having a career of any kind and only know of her from being on billboards which cost a lot of money to put up. who the hell would want to look at her on one but her anyway? I think she lives in the fantasy of her mind.