If you’re wondering what bipolar Kanye West is doing at his Wyoming property when he’s not making music or writing presidential speeches, he has massive building projects underway. Kanye aspires to be “the greatest” real estate developer. (He actually owns two large properties in Wyoming. He’s building a factory to manufacture his clothing designs, he’s frantically building ten homes (like the experimental domes he was forced to remove in Calabasas) AND since he’s confident in his architectural skills, he’s building a ten bedroom mansion that he hopes his family will move into. (Fat chance of that happening.) His Wyoming property is buzzing and loaded with construction workers and big equipment, so yeah, he’s keeping busy. We actually feel sorry for Kim…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
There is nothing to feel sorry for her for. But “his money” is actually her money and it could run out from waste and mismanagement.
She is an uneducated delusional who made money by the j lo process of promoting overpriced products to uneducated people for huge fees. She then promoted her plastic filled body to a multitude of BLACK men and deserves all the payback possible for that.
I feel sorry for me !
Kimmy dug her own grave.
How compassionate you are. You make fun of his mental illness. I thought libs were the party of compassion. Ha!
1. ‘dr’ phil is a useless oprah payback from when he won a lawsuit for her. never take his advice. he ain’t no kind MD either….
(so is Dr. Oz, who gave up being a heart surgeon after making his deal with the devil to get more money working for Oprah, the Succubus, rather than keep helping people with heart problems. No he deals with heartless people who just want money and fame. Shame on you.
2. All this is her own fault. No pity here.
When you sell your soul (like the rest in that coven expect shit to happen because IT WILL.
3. Her lovely “mother” krisssssss arranged to publicize her getting peed on Ray J and more, then i guess Kim had to OK that debacle so shame on her.
Oh thanks for asking but NO i was not wondering. not about these assholes anyway.
This al ALL ryan Seacrests doing and fault and I can’t for him to get what’s coming to him…..Merv taught his boy well that’s for sure….
No one feels sorry for her!
Who ordered the deviled cheese and ham?
Didn’t she become “famous” by self releasing an adult video of herself and some other rapper? She is a disgusting pos
Sounds manic, hope his money holds out.
Kim, take Dr. Phil’s advice!