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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


When the employees at Whole Foods in West Hollywod see Faye Dunaway walk in the door they “scatter like cockroaches” one of them told us. Nobody wants to wait on her. Faye is VERY demanding -especially at the deli case. Here’s an example: When a server waiting on her was wrapping up an item he turned to another employee to tell him something and Faye ferociously snapped her FINGERS in the air scolding “I NEED YOUR FULL ATTENTION!” She asked her deli person for a pound of turkey breast. Sliced medium. After all the meat was cut she examined it and frowned “NO – that’s too THICK ” and wouldn’t buy it! THAT”S why the help runs for cover.

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  1. Mimi

    Hey Faith,
    I would have said oh yeah, well I’m Joan Crawford and then hung up on her ass.
    She sounds like she has the beginnings of dementia.

  2. Faith

    no, the bitch is crazy like gnarly so. my old roommate used to work as her assistant, and she used to call ME up and harrass me to find out where my roommate was. HELLO, THIS IS FAYE DUNAWAY! was how she would start and I’d be like, uh…ok? Why are you calling me and how did you get my number? I guess it was a standing policy that anyone who works for her has to give up all the digits of anyone who would know their location at anytime. My roomie quit after a short amount of time, she worked at Disneyland on weekends and said the worse kid she ever had was nothing compared to Faye…

  3. Pat

    Are they wearing plastic gloves and hairnets as well at your deli.
    Training kids to serve well seasoned, mature shoppers is always a challenge in the deli. Some catch on to the personal service thing a little quicker but be nice to them. You were learning once too.
    Don’t get the vapours about body fluids in your mock turkey either. Urban myth.
    What’s really in the deli meat is for more disturbing anyways. anyways.

  4. Lives in WEHO

    Proper deli etiquette is to take a slice of the meat and give it to the customer to sample and approve of prior to slicing any more unless you are a ill mannered finger snapping, tweaker moron. Bristol Farms just up the street follows proper protocol.

  5. Anonymous

    Whole Foods has cameras watching their employees constantly. The employee would have to be an idiot to do something so foul as to spit on another persons food. They would get fired and blackballed so they couldn’t get another job so easily. Who would hire a low life scum that would do something like that. Not me.

  6. Sandy

    Actually, the Whole Foods Market in Redondo Beach does the same thing. I ask for Honey Ham sliced deli thin and they always slice it thick! I have them re-do it too. I don’t blame her. And aren’t these employees getting paid to wait on people. They’re not volunteering their time. They should get the order right and shut up. Faye still looks good for her age. Hopefully we’ll be as lucky.

  7. Pat

    But it’s Hollywood.
    Servings of phony baloney are on the menu all over town.

  8. Anonymous

    How can a has-been bitch who has erased her own face due to botox and surgery behave like a diva? She should be put in her own place!

  9. Anonymous

    I worked on a movie with her and she was horrible to the other cast and crew.
    I’d run if I saw her coming, too.

  10. Nelson

    This is why she is my #1 choice for “Terror of Tinseltown.” I have had three run ins with her and she’s been miserable every time. She is every retailer’s nightmare. On several different occasions, I’ve witnessed her cut place in line, pound her fist on counters, slam doors and have been on the receiving end of her irrational tirades. She behaves less like Mommie Dearest and more like “Aurora,” the witch she portrayed in SUPERGIRL. Joan Crawford could at least behave in public and treated her fans with respect. (“You expect me to ignore my fans? They’re life and death to me, baby! They’re the ones who really MADE ME!”)

  11. Deanne

    Yep, PatSample, this is what I was going to say. I bet she eats a lot of spit.

  12. Anonymous

    She’d get much better service if she was kind and respectful. Diva behavior is such a turn off. Sad old broad.

  13. She was once normal looking

    Love her hair— think it’s as fake as her face????

  14. Anonymous

    Has-been hag needs to chill before someone rubs one out on her gd turkey breast. Beeatch.

  15. Anonymous

    snapping one’s fingers to attract another person’s attention is vulgar.
    a good southern girl should know better!

  16. PatSample

    I hope she’s giving them HER full attention, because the moment she looks away you just know they’ll be hacking lungies onto her luncheon meat.

  17. bunni luvin

    She’s not mad at him, she’s mad at the turkey breast!