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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Madonna is bending over backwards to please the family of her young boyfriend Brahim Zaibat,24. She’s determined to win over Brahim’s mother Patricia Vidal, 45, who is eight years younger than Madonna is. Madonna made a huge mistake awhile back when she insisted that Brahim attend Kabbalah meetings with her. Since he and his family are Muslim, he refused, and a problem developed but Madonna got over it. She invited Brahim’s mother and five of his cousins for a week’s vacation at the ultra-posh Hotel Du Cap in the South of France. Suites there start at around three thousand dollars a night. Everything was on Madonna and the two families got to know each other and lived it up like millionaires before Madonna moved on to the Venice Film Festival. Needless to say, she won them over.

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  1. Marci Mayhem

    Lady Hamper!!! That’s hilarious!

  2. Indy

    Wonder what Carlos Leon thinks of his little girl being thoroughly demonized by the numero uno mama she-devil? Or maybe he just doesn’t care **or** maybe he’s wondering if those tits are real **or** maybe he is wondering when she’s gonna grow an a**.

  3. Dawn Davenport

    I wonder if Lourdes is rippin off a little piece of that sizemeat too.

    I mean really, he’s more her age than that CowFrau and well, let’s face it, Vadge’s Lady Hamper HAS seen its ample share of traffic. How satisfying could it really be?

    Beep Beep, wide load comin thru….

  4. sandy

    If you go to temple – you definitely want to shack up with a Muslim. Then again – it could be a platonic relaionship. Imagine the life Lourdes has – seeing her mother hop from one guy (female?) to another.


    Madonna is acting like the dirty old man on the playground!!!If that was my son, I would send him to his room!!

  6. Strom

    Not true….he is there for one reason and its not faith!

    Madonna’s jewishness is as strong as that little red plastic band. She is a very skanky woman.

  7. Casonia Logenberry..Jennifer stop screwing up!Hells kitchen first no salt in the mash potatos and then you screw up the Veggies stop and take control and allow Elisa to hang herself. Pauly I think your great and keep up the great work..Every one screws up

    I know that this people don’t eat bacon or pork ribs and or sausage and so the whole vacation is directed toward respecting other people and lets face facts Madonna can afford it and she is Beautiful and can get a relationship from any man in this world based on her grace and style and niceness.

  8. cara

    I’m just wondering how those slags over at Celebitchy can dare accuse Vadge of being a nazi sympathizer if she herself is a practicing jew???

    Me personally, I’d take defending Galliano over Polanski any day.

  9. Casonia Logenberry..Elisa? I hate the way you act toward other people and..If you win? Then it is going to suck in so many ways and of course your well hated by the world already and your personality really blows and your mean and heartless.

    Really nice of Madonna to make that offer and that was really kind and thoughtful and really supper nice of her and to take care of a whole family on a vacation and make sure every one has what they need in so wonderful and lovely and from the heart. What a lovely woman!

  10. Indy

    Gee whiz, I was thinking the Muslim religion disapproved of promiscuity, especially such as this w/ an old hag witch. Guess I was wrong and it was not Muslims, but Mormons who disapproved. No, it couldn’t be Mormons, because Mormon Julianne Hough is shacking up w/ metrosexual Ryan Seacrest all over the world. Before she became a gold-digging slut, I heard her say she intended to remain as pure as the new-driven snow until marriage. LOL 🙂

    Old whore Madonna has so many decades of sin on her back even the devil must be scratching his head. 🙁

  11. British Teeth

    Brahim’s ma should read Madonna’s autobiography, “Sex” for some insight.

    The part where she writes, “My pussy is the temple of all knowledge,” is especially heartwarming.

    Honestly, who could resist such wholesomeness?

  12. Diva

    Joan Rivers said Madonna has yeast infections older than Brahim! Love it!

  13. Strom

    Madonna bought Lourdes some new breasts for her birthday…is she also letting the Arab screw her?

  14. Strom

    Even the enablers must admit that this is creepy!

  15. chris

    Guess money will buy you anything but true happiness. Something just too creepy maybe even evil about that situatuion.

  16. forrest gump

    just imagine your grandma is at the pool.

  17. cal

    LOL @SSN, hehe. nice.

  18. Denise

    Is that the going rate for purchasing someone’s child? An all expenses paid week at a French resort?

  19. yoyo

    Anything this woman does puts me into a semi-comatose snore with reverse dry heaves.

  20. Say Something Nice

    She should be extracting the life-force out of someone her own age, like Alec Baldwin.

    Besides, he swore after his disastrous marriage to Kim Basinger, that he’d never again date another actress. So Madge would be perfect! 🙂

  21. Patrick

    She has become a succubus.
    He will wither and be drained.
    None of us are safe.

  22. palermo

    He’d be a better choice for her daughter than for her. Absurd.

  23. Muffin

    Madonna is one nasty, old, perverted hag! What in the Sam-hell can she possibly have in common with this KID!?!?

  24. CoCo

    So many so-called religious people have no respect for other people’s faith…so egocentric.

  25. Mona Garrett

    And is THAT Brahim in the pic, Janet? Goodness—he looks like a TEENAGER!

  26. Mona Garrett

    Ah, but her money talks, no?

  27. pippa martins-st. onge

    Madonna was last relevant in 1984 *yawn*