Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
“The Social Network” has created quite an image for Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, whether he likes it or not. We were surprised to learn that the 26 year old, who is supposedly worth SEVEN BILLION dollars, lives in this modest, 4 bedroom rental home located walking distance from Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif. (Above, he’s pictured with his longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan.) When the weather gets cooler, we wonder if he’ll wear socks with his flip flops like his movie character did.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Casonia..Elisa screw up on Hell kitchen? Paul do a great job and win! Will your weak on Desserts and Tommy speak up and fight for this job but your sexy as Hell and can act like a airhead at times but I still like you alot..Your easy on the eyes and looki
Nothing wrong with feeling normal and doing the same thing before the money come along and… Greed of things you simply don’t need is a waste and..He is being smart and on top of things and to waste money for things you don’t need is stupid.
Casonia..Elisa screw up on Hell kitchen? Paul do a great job and win! Will your weak on Desserts and Tommy speak up and fight for this job but your sexy as Hell and can act like a airhead at times but I still like you alot..Your easy on the eyes and looki
Stupid and dumb to blow throw all your money and…Blow it because you have it is stupid and in life you take what you need and let the other money stay in the bank and build up…smart young man.
Casonia..Elisa screw up on Hell kitchen? Paul do a great job and win! Will your weak on Desserts and Tommy speak up and fight for this job but your sexy as Hell and can act like a airhead at times but I still like you alot..Your easy on the eyes and looki
Nothing wrong with living like a normal person and why should any one spend the money on things they don’t need.
Casonia logenberry
It was meant to be that he is the one who shares his wisdom with the world and the world is a far better place for him being here and yes he is Rich and has his whole life to look foreward to and I say good for him and I wish him a big bright future and good luck. I am proud of you!
Hollywood, there is a big difference between being an average flawed person and being someone like, say, Madonna, or some IT robber baron. Hike your pants up, your moral relativism is showing.
Hollywood Babe N the Know
[These guys are not the people you hold up as an example when you make an Education Ain’t All That statement.]
i never said an education isn’t all that. i said that it will only open up doors for you. the rest you have to do yourself, like zuckerberg has done!
there are very few NEAR perfect and moral ALL THE TIME individuals in the world, i guess you are included in that number because i’ll never get there.
Bluejay, yeah. Actually nowhere on the Internet is safe – it is the opiate of the masses now, and big brother’s eyes rolled into one.
Bettye Bluejay
Be very careful of FB, especially if you play the Farmville game. There are many data mining companies that are trolling, and are looking specifically for people playing Farmville. Zuckerberg has sold not only is soul but yours as well.
Hollywood, the IT world is the most Dog-Eat-Dog – it is full of vultures and sharks and dogs…oh,my!
In most cases these rich company founders had the germ of a good idea, but most of the development – read: hard work – was done by others, and there is always an incident of serious theft in there somewhere.
These guys are not the people you hold up as an example when you make an Education Ain’t All That statement. You might just as well use a pimp, a drug pusher or a car thief instead.
I agree that it’s creepy to post photos of people’s homes. Though Zuckerberg’s has been posted all over the web, so Janet’s not to blame.
In Palo Alto, houses pretty much start at $1M. But that’s irrelevant, because he RENTS. He lives very unpretentiously. He’s far from perfect, but he’s much more down to earth than 99.9% of tech titans.
He started FB when he was a young geek who saw a tech opportunity to build something unique. He could never have guessed that he’d be worth $7B six years later. All because of all of the adults that need to “exaggerate their existence,” as No Fats says. Love it.
Hollywood Babe N the Know
i love it! money talks and bullshit walks. he used his, ahem, smarts and education to create a product that many, regardless if you don’t, use.
i am not on FB, but millions are, and he’s ringing in the dough. good for him!
academia has many outdated facets, and they need to get with the times. an education just opens the door…you have to do the rest.
No fats – you are disgusting. Janet I love your column but I really think it is wrong and inappropriate to post actual locations and photos of people’s homes. It violates their safety. O would be very upset if someone posted pictures of my car and home unless I lived in the White House where it is obvious.
You’re wrong Sebastian, strom doesn’t like anyone who’s non-white or is gay. A very sad problem, but it’s his problem let him and God work that out. Palermo, I like Facebook, it’s help me to talk with people I haven’t spoke with in 20+ years.
Indy, I agree, but there is a difference between living a LAVISH life and living to your means. Rich people pinching pennies, shopping at Costco and Target, and driving clunkers don’t do anyone any good. They should spread the wealth. Think of it as the new noblesse oblige.
What captain america said was quite deep and thought-prevoking. Re-read it.
No fats
Facebook is something ppl use to feel better about themselves, they exaggerate their existence on there, pretending they have lots of friends and that they lead wonderful lives when the opposite is true, how self centered to think that ppl really care about your boring pretend lives. If you really had a life you wouldn’t be posting lies on fb 24/7. How glamorous to post the one photo of yourself that doesn’t show your double chin, saggy breasts or huge gut. Facebook losers, I recently went to my reunion and everyone had exaggerated their lives on their fbpage. Pathetic!!!
LOL, what a coincidence. My grandparents were from there, parents were born here. Well, New York.
pit bull lover
Palermo!! you live near me!!
my family is from Palermo Sicily!!
i think that every time i see one of your posts!
home made cannolis
i gots ’em!!
No fats
She has peasant legs hopefully he will get her som calve reduction it’s only about 15k that’s an eyeblink to him, this chink better pimp her nerd.
Inquiring Mind
If Zuckerstein has the body of a 60-year-old NOW, what must the future portend?
And is she always bidden to walk 2 paces behind him?
Strom, either someone has been impersonating you, or your meds are now wearing off. We get it you do not like East Asians, or – as you would say – orientals. You don’t like anyone who is not your own kind, which is why people like you marry their cousins…if their sisters are already spoken for.
She has the chink duck walk down pat….lo mein in the bag likely!
I live about 1/2 hour away from Palo Alto, so yes, that house is expensive. I guess I’m alone in loving Facebook, I have gotten back in touch with people from a long time ago that I would never have been able to locate, it’s interesting to find out what everybody has been up to. I don’t put lots of photos up and never talk about personal stuff on the public pages. I totally agree though that a lot of young people are going to find they miss out on jobs when Human Resources starts googling them.
I think Facebook is a teenager thing. But wait for a few years when these teens want to make something of themselves, only to find out potential employers are looking at their drunken pictures and drug references. It’s really stupid to post anything of a personal nature on a site like that. I keep telling my teenagers not to do it….but there’s social pressure amongst teenagers to have a Facebook account. I hate it.
Facebook is a loser convention. Most people get on it to collect “friends” and/or brag about their lives (vacations they went on, etc.).
F*** Facebook. I looked at it once, could never understand it, and what’s it good for anyway.
Bettye Bluejay
Facebook is worthless, people posting mundane things but won’t talk on the phone or in person, but constantly posting every move. Ever tried to cancel your Facebook account? You can never get out! Big Brother is right on spot.
Facebook – Big Brother in disguise.
pit bull lover
paly is a hop skip and jump from where I live so trust me
that house is worth WELL over one mill….property in PA is NOT cheap
even dumps are worth a lot just because of their location…
( not that a million is a lot to this kid…just sayin’)
Facebook sucks, I don’t get the appeal. Are you people allergic to the PHONE? If you want to keep in touch call! If you’re too lazy to call me you’re a loser and I don’t want to hear from you anyway.
captain america
you wanna attract criminals & misery?
If you have ever worked in the flashy end of IT (e.g. a software company) you just get sick of these little freaks. There was a reason they got beaten up in high school.
No fats
Btw I saw the fb movie too, he’s clearly a thief and I’m glad all the guys that sued him got paid. He’s just a control freak nerd…the most dangerous kind!
No fats
Asian girls always date the white guys that hot white girls don’t want. The white guys are always ugly nerds. I’m surprised his Asian is so ugly he shoulda gotten a hotter one with his money.
That is Palo Alto – the monthly rent is probably more than the average American’s income. Granted he could afford to spend much more on housing.
Anyway, how is it a good thing for a billionaire to sit on his wallet. It would be better if he had a massive mansion, and countless cars with drivers, and tons of servants (as long as they are legal and decently paid). It is called trickle-down, and could really help America right now.
Pippa, and that’s a bad thing?
Believe it, 20% of his wealth goes to Israel to pay for walls and Cobra attack helicopters.
I believe that money has not gone to MZ head. He seems to have more common sense than that. If that were not the case he would be acting like all of the other rich morons for instance: Paris Hilton AKA “Self Obsessed, Rich B^&ch” I think MZ gives alot to charity, like Bill Gates.
By the way, seen The Social Network on the weekend, great movie!!
His girlfriend is going to medical school, don’t think she’s a golddigger type
I bet it gets EGGED on Halloween.
Bettye Bluejay
Palo Alto is a lovely place. I’d take that house in that location.
Before slant eye can get at them like Mel’s Ruskie
He probably has 2 or 3 lawyers working to protect his interests and money, before he busts loose and starts buying houses, yachts, etc. Hope he funnels a lot to Pakistan, Haiti, Uganda….the rich always look out for #1 first.