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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We just HAD to post this delicious pic of Ezra Miller at the LA premier of his long-awaited film The Flash. At 30, he’s not a kid any more. After several years of behavior and legal problems, Ezra finally pulled himself together sufficiently to make a public appearance for the movie. We are accustomed to seeing him in outrageous outfits and this was no disappointment. He seemed calm and quiet, while looking both handsome and interesting. DC Studios is taking no chances however – they announced that this is Ezra’s ONLY appearance for the film and he will NOT be available for interviews or any type of press. Supposedly he is being treated for his mental health issues, but – who knows- there might actually BE a Flash II.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Mia

    I hope he never gets Another roll in a movie again, runs out of money to silence people with and ends up in prison with the other pedos.

  2. jail him

    He was doing things to underage kids. That’s why he gets a pass in hollywood