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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#sexpistols #janetcharlton

Sex Pistols fans will be happy to hear that in celebration of the fact that it’s been 35 years since their amazing album “Never Mind The B*******” was released, Universal has created a new limited edition box set of remastered versions of the music, plus many extras. According to bandmember Steve Jones, it’s the first time the songs have actually been remastered from the masters because the masters were missing for years. Modern technology has vastly improved the clarity. Steve has lived in California for half his life now and he told The Sun “I live in Beverly Hills and I’m proud of it!” Besides being a DJ, Steve is dabbling in acting – he appeared on four episodes of Californication. Coincidentally or not, Johnny Rotten (John Lydon) married and heiress and lives in Los Angeles also. (Above, an early photo of Johnny, Steve, and Sid Vicious kibitzing on the street)

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  1. walt cliff


    I feel the same way. Loved the 70’s.

  2. walt cliff

    “Sid Vicious is blowing dust farts & no doubt smoking the daisies”

    TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!

  3. Patrick

    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one of those windmill thingys that Sid is holding. I don’t think Steve’s shirt style has stood the test of time. Rotten looks suitably irritated.
    If I could go back to that era and stay forever. I would.

  4. yoyo

    Meanwhile, Sid Vicious is blowing dust farts & no doubt smoking the daisies. Yeah, the good ole days when music was raw & talent existed.

  5. clint

    there are some serious things happening around that place.

  6. Pippa Martin-St. Onge

    R.I.P. Malcolm McLaren.

  7. Guss

    Why would anyone deny where they came from
    or where they grew up at.
    Unless there’s some hidden secretes he has buried in the past.
    Overall I’m happy for him.
    I wish him success in the future.