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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



We’ve been haunted by this photo since our creative colleague James St. James revealed it on the WOW Report. The year was 1902 and Joseph Stalin was 24 years old. But his look is so sexy and modern – who’d have guessed this handsome guy would end up a tyrant responsible for millions of deaths – not to mention the Cold War. Why wasn’t THIS the photo plastered all over the Soviet Union instead of the horrible mustache picture? We think he looks like an actor, but can’t decide which one.

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  1. Casonia Sade Logenberry..People are Lucky to be around Chef Gordon Ramsay..He is a good luck charm and that means your life is going to get better after crossing his path! He is remarkable and amazing and strong.

    You never know in life who is going to grow up to be a Killer or a Heartless person..Who cares nothing for other and has no Value of life and hates all people in his path and we never know how some one feels and..What they think and who they don’t care for and that means from looks means nothing and you never know what people are all about and there feelings and stresser?

  2. braverwoman

    Gabriel Garcia Bernal

  3. E

    I think it is a somewhat good-looking picture, until you see the deadness in the eyes.

    I wouldn’t go anywhere near the guy because although mostly-good-looking, he looks detached and violent. There are American celebrities I wouldn’t go near, either, for the same reason.

    I don’t think we’re doing anyone any favours by pretending that no one finds the picture attractive, because that just makes it easier to get fooled by the good-looking not-YET-serial-killers (we’re more likely to run into serial killers than genocidal dictators). It’s not just “dumb women” or we wouldn’t have all the deaths at the hands of “black widow” females. The thing for everyone to do is to wise up, figure out what they find physically attractive, and figure out which people are violent or homicidal and NOT let someone’s looks override their judgment. Those who fawn over serial killers are not doing it for their looks because they didn’t go for good-looking people on the outside; it’s most often some kind of sick idea of “safe”

  4. dee cee

    Nasty man.. rot in HELL

  5. Jeannified

    Would you freakers quit it? Just because Janet noticed that he USED to be handsome, doesn’t mean that she’s a warped woman for noticing it. She’s just making an observation! Geez!

    Yes, he looks like Keanu, Christian, Robert Downey Jr., Johnny Depp, all rolled up into one. Is THAT a crime?! Come on people!

  6. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    This just shows you why serial killers have woman writing letters to them in prison and marrying freaking losers. Not only is it completely and totally immature of Janet, but truly reflects the shallowness of many of the women in this country.

  7. Tinchy

    I am with Sebastian and Liberal Media Is Corrupt!Shame on you Janet for putting up this!Sorry,but with this article you look like you have a s”t for brains.

  8. annabella

    Joseph Fiennes!

  9. MissBitch

    I agree with Sebastian. How in the world can you think this is ok? Would you call Osama Bin Laden or Mussolini or Hitler hotties if they were better looking?

    Shame on you, Janet.

  10. me

    To me he looks like a cross between Ben Affleck and Christian Slater. HOT.

  11. Helena Handbasket

    I didn’t think I’d find anyone here who saw what I did, but lo and behold ‘bluedog’ can see the very clear and obvious similarity to Christian Slater.
    It’s not the overall “look”… it’s the EYES.

  12. palermo

    reading this asinine article made me ashamed that I ever visit this site, what an IDIOTIC blurb

  13. Sally

    He looks like Robert Downey Jr to me.

  14. Sebastian

    This is the strangest item I have ever seen on one of these sites. How can anyone debate the cuteness of a genocidal tyrant? And equating attractiveness with morality? – No wonder serial killers are so much more common in the U.S. than in any other country – luring victims must be like shooting fish in a barrel (“that man is so handsome and charming, I should help him load his chains, butcher knive and bondage gear into the back of his van”).

  15. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    He killed millions, was a tyrannical dictator, but he was cute! Puke on Janet for this article

  16. josilinda

    A little Keanu…a little Ryan Reynolds

  17. Anon1

    OMG Hottie !! lmao !!!

  18. Bluedog

    He looks like Christian Slater.

  19. Mark

    I think he looks like Keanu Reeves wearing a Patrick Dempsey wig.

  20. Etienne

    Damn, he was hot!

    I loooove James St. James.

  21. Eva

    Keanu Reeves

  22. Real Winner

    He looks enough like Johnny Depp for Johnny to play him in a movie role. More so, I’m sure, than when Johnny played Ed Wood, Hunter S. Thompson or John Dillenger.

    Also – maybe he looks a bit like an early Robert Downey Jr.

    And – how about an actor from another era – John Garfield?

    – All of them handsome actors….