What a week for Eva Longoria. First she had to deny reports that her ballplayer husband Tony Parker filed for divorce on Monday, then today she filed for divorce HERSELF. Tony cheated on her with more than one woman – with hundreds of texts as evidence. One woman is a teammates wife. (Didn’t he learn ANYTHING from the Tiger Woods split?) Eva, who happens to be a nice girl, put up with a lot during their marriage – Tony was always whining that their separations were “difficult” for him and implying temptation. Eva’s close friend Mario Lopez says she is heartbroken over the situation. We wonder if the mistresses will be shopping around their stories.

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  1. He will be looking for someone a little lighter in color and less of a fame queen….just another case of crossing the tracks!

  2. I can’t believe anyone is so stupid as to keep texts, emails, voice mails, etc. unless they want to get caught. Or they’re so arrogant that they think they won’t get caught. Regarding the teammate’s wife, can’t wait to read the sports pages about the brawl in the locker room.

  3. The world that Tony is in is a world that constantly invites temptation — I’m sure that women are always throwing themselves at him. Eva, find someone who is not in the entertainment world, and from my experience, someone who is from the Midwest. 🙂

  4. Very few jocks try to resist the slutty groupies who are always hanging around. Small signs of cheating were evident before they got hitched. I thought Eva was smarter than to hook up with a man that she practically had to push down the aisle. Hope she gets checked for STD’s, etc.

  5. Are Midwesterners immune to freelance Pussy? I didn’t get that memo.

  6. I feel for the girl but she truly was the biggest fame wh*re that ever came along. She would appear at any event possible and fans finally got sick of her and her Chav Ken Paves hair. Katherine Heigel has now taken over the Crown of Who*eness and is currently the celebrity everyone in the world hate on.

  7. Off Topic: Any inside skinny, Janet, on the PR flack who was gunned down the other night?

    Rumor has it that every waiter she’d humiliated over the years should be considered a prime suspect.

    That may be a stretch, though, as everyone knows that disgruntled waiters have other, more-under-the-radar ways of getting back at unpleasant patrons.

    Suffice it to say, Ronni Chasen probably (unbeknownst to her) ate more than her share of “added ingredients” during her time in Hollywood.

  8. Well, as you can certainly imagine, that Rico Suave gets Momma’s mussy hissing like two caged cats.

    And the teammate’s wifey has quietly revealed Miss Parker has substantial sizemeat and that it was actually a three-way.



  9. Saw it coming a long time ago. Does anyone not remember the cheating allegations via text awhile ago between TP and some French girl. Can’t remember all the details but it was the same kind of thing. Eva laughed it off and he denied it. Should have dropped his ass back then!!

  10. These sports stars have remarkably fragile egos and can’t stand it when their wives outshine them. Ever checked out ballerswives.com? Mrs. Barry (now divorcing Tony’s former colleague on the Spurs team) got used to all that attention and she deserves what she gets if she marries another guy who can get any woman he wants every time he travels for away games. These women find out what hotels the NBA teams stay in and literally camp out in the hotel lobbies and bars to get some ***k.

  11. A story came up like that just prior to the wedding, and Eva blew it off. She’s too cute and good for the jerk.

  12. @ Just Askin: I ddidn’t think I could say fuck or cock on this site!

  13. Why the hell does anybody get married if they don’t intend to stay faithful? It’s not that difficult. Just stay single! I think Eva is a doll and I admire her tenacity in trying to keep her marraige together this long. Who knows what he really has been up to but her?

  14. Not a sports fan, and Longoria, despite being Latina, in VANILLA, so I don’t give a damn about this couple, and never did.

  15. Without all the makeup she is just a very plain border rat. The show needed a token Latina and I guess it went to her head.

  16. Eva and Tony are most notorious swingers in H-town. Read Ted for the real scoop… I bet E was shocked, but I don’t feel sorry for her. It was OK to stray together as long as it was done under her eye, not it’s no longer OK if he does it behind her back? She invited betrayal into her bedroom, it was only a matter of time this would backfire into her face. This is more a hurt ego than betrayed wife.

  17. Strom, what is with the Black Man Likes White Women Shock! It is like you are writing for the KKK newsletter…in 1964. Obviously you have a Blacks and Blonds fetish.

  18. Nothing racist about it….it usually doesn’t work and shows what the wealthy black men really think about their own kind! I feel sorry for the foolish black women who play the toddy’s for the black men…Koby’s wife settled for a big stone instead of self-respect when Koby showed who he really wanted to spend time with.

  19. Oh, so Strom, you are an activist for African-American women. My mistake.

    You are so full of s**t. The issue is not about race, but wealth. Women married or involved with rich men certainly stick around longer than they would if the guy were a working bloke.

    And this “sticking to their own kind” is crap. White men chase, and have chased, after women of other races. And in America, for a while there, they did not have to chase, because they had slaves they could take as and when they wanted. Hell, even the Nazi top brass, while preaching racial purity and the perfection of the German female, lusted and chased after more exotic women (including Jews and Gypsies).

  20. As I stated above, I hope everyone remembers that she REALLY DID have to be very aggressive to make HIM to walk that long aisle. She pursued him when he was appearing to get cold feet. Why she did this is a mystery. So I am not the least surprised that this union did not last.

  21. Sebastian, maybe you can send her some ghetto hoops as a condolence gift….that is usually enough.

  22. Strom, doesn’t your sister/wife get annoyed at all the time you spend on the Internet?

  23. Cheating in sports? OMG! Stop the presses, I mean the internet.

    Payback will come to Tony some day & we all know payback is a bit-h!!

  24. This seemed a bit like a faux marriage from the get-go. The publicity for their “nuptials” was quite intense, and Eva continued to wring it for everything she had, a’la Tom and Katie and Posh and Becks. They were all in it to win it….even shy little Tony Parker.

    That’s what happens. Ha Ha Hollywood. Ho Ho NBA.

  25. @ Just Sayin’…I think you are right about that lawyer thing. But the Big Judge feels strongly about Commandment #7 and might mete out a different punishment.

  26. Everybody knows that racists lust after their objects of rage? Ever come across skin head porn with tatted nazis doing black men? I have.
    Strom Thurman was the biggest political hyporcrite against intergration while banging the black teenage maid, producing a child who is in her 70’s!!

    That said it was a showmance from the start she was too old and had miscarriages. He is a black young good looking frenchman -nuff said. Oh, he’s in the NBA. There you go! Now stay single Tony cause from what I heard the shit’s about to hit the fan a la Tiger.

  27. Strom T like George Wallace came from a different era and had the same views as most people where they came from. The black family structure has been going downhill ever since and black women have been real victims, but somehow seem not to want to do anything about it. LBJ and Affirmitive Action will be looked back on as a ruin for the blacks, with all other races passing them by, in every statistic but amount of rap music played in a day.

  28. strom, what you just said is absolutely correct. I won’t deny one word of the truth and that was the truth. There is a reason blacks haven’t moved forward and it’s because the black male figure is not in the family life. The democrats know it and don’t care and the republican can’t say a word because they are called racist. But your problem is identifying people by color and say nasty and vile things about race or gender.

  29. Janet C. has been chasing Ted C. for years w/o luck.

    Maybe this is the couple mentioned but I am not so sure. She is too much a fame whore and a not so talented one.

  30. Strom, you write about the problem represented by mixed-race couples, and go on and on about celebs. And you seem to lay the problem at the black community’s door, or at the feet of so-called white liberals. Everything else aside, who cares about racial mixing among celebs? Even if it all goes wrong for racial reasons, they have money and can compensate. How about all those lower class white girls who get themselves pregnant by a black guy (usually just to get back at their parents, or because it is “cool” to have a brown baby) and then end up raising a black child alone among racist whites? This creates REAL social problems.

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