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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

Eternal Bachelor

This extremely wealthy guy has dated some of the sexiest actresses in Hollywood. But they can’t seem to land him as a husband. He resists getting married because it’s hard to find a girl who will put up with his idiosyncrasies. His relationships devolve into friendships. He seems mild-mannered, but in fact he periodically goes off on kinky drug and sex binges. That’s when he indulges in crystal meth and transvestites! He doesn’t consider himself gay or even bisexual, but he loves to be serviced by cross-dressing he-she’s. And he can’t get enough drag queen entertainment! No WONDER he’s the eternal bachelor.

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  1. Anonymous

    It’s not George Clooney! If he did meth his skin wouldn’t look as good as it does. He’s look like Fergie…or Brad Pitt. Georg’es vice is alcohol & slutty women.

  2. Anonymous

    Justin Timberlake

  3. Anonymous

    Matthew Perry

  4. Anonymous

    There is no such person as Prince Albert Ranier. Prince Ranier was Prince Alberts father and Ranier isn’t Alberts middle or last name.

  5. Anonymous

    Bing and his grey pubes! The fact that this guy gets laid proves money really can buy anything.

  6. Anonymous

    Bing is wealthy and and a producer and is the daddy of a little girl that was at the center of an ugly custody fight. Mom claimed sperm dead billionaire was the father, but it turned out to be Bing’s.
    Hurley had baby with Bing but he told Vanity Fair they had threesomes in Las Vegas. He said he was hoodwinked into fathering Liz’s baby.

  7. Alma

    George Clooney

  8. Rosie

    George Clooney

  9. Mary Queen of Denial


  10. Anonymous

    No way is it Clooney – his aunt Rosemary had a problem w/ prescription drugs and I’ve heard him talk about his respect for the destructive power of drugs, so I doubt he’d mess w/ as crappy a drug as meth is. I mean, he might as well go snork ground glass mixed w/ kitchen chemicals and he certainly seems a whole lot more intelligent than someone who’d do that!

  11. LN

    George Clooney was married to Martin Balsam’s daughter years ago.

  12. Magoo

    Prince Albert Rainier of Monaco

  13. kimey

    George Clooney

  14. God

    If you guessed George Clooney, you’re right.

  15. Caren

    Matthew McConnaughy

  16. Anonymous


  17. Anonymous


  18. Anonymous

    Bing or George Maloof.

  19. Anonymous

    Bing for sure

  20. Atia

    Cloney or McConaughty…

  21. Anonymous

    Matthew Mcconaughey

  22. Anonymous

    Jack Nicholson?

  23. Anonymous

    Colin Farrel?

  24. Hedda Bopper

    Well My sources tell me Its none other than Jerrod the guy from the subway commercials.Yes its true the spooky looking spokesman likes meat on his bread, and on his chin.OYE VEY.

  25. Anonymous

    Andre Balaz dated Uma and is divorced with kids. I think he was married to Katie Ford of Ford Models.
    Skanky Liz Hurley with Hugh? Hugh was never caught with a transsexual but I really don’t know what the big deal is since people, particularly men are sexual creatures and like to try all kinds of stuff.

  26. Anonymous


  27. Glamour

    Sounds like Brandon Davies filthy little secret is out

  28. Anonymous


  29. Anonymous

    Steve Bing the billion dollar man. he lived at the Bel Air for years, you did not say actor mega wealthy dude, bing is the eternal binge guy, sex fiend, friend of Hidi Fliess, definatly cocain and meth and he has been doing it for years, holed up with James Cann in the day and another famous has been initals J.N. doing meth like crazy. Skanky Liz Hurley, camel toe central… whose ex loved the transexuals, remember hugh!

  30. katy

    that guy that owns some of the hottest hotels in LA…i forget his name but he dated Uma Thurman

  31. Amanda

    I think its either the bisexual Clooney or Steven Bing. its definitely between these two.

  32. Anonymous

    Jim Carey was married twice. First wife wasn’t famous and they had a daughter. 2nd wife was Lauren Holly, very short duration.
    I hear David Spade & blond Heather are together because they share a fondness for Vicoden (not crystal meth)
    Guess its Steve Bing (whew, glad its not Keanu although he does need a bath)

  33. Anonymous

    Wow, I’ll have to tell some of my trans girlfriends to keep an eye out for Steve Bing so they can get paid and we can split the cash.

  34. Anonymous

    Absolutely Steve Bing.

  35. Belissa

    Scott Baio

  36. Anonymous

    Paul Allen AKA=Mini-Microsoft

  37. Anonymous

    It starts off sounding like David Spade but I find it hard to imagine him using crystal meth but who knows.

  38. Anonymous

    Dunno why but it made me think of Jim Carrey… but I know he was married once before becoming famous.

  39. Anonymous

    he’s the eternal bachelor
    George Clooney

  40. Anonymous

    Eddie Murphy

  41. Anonymous

    chris heinz?

  42. LA

    It doesn’t say he’s an actor, so I’m going with Bing.

  43. Anonymous

    Bing – totally.

  44. Anonymous


  45. Anonymous

    james: uh-oh! I hear the gerbil jokes making a comeback if what you say about keanu is true!

  46. Anonymous

    how bout George Clooney?

  47. james

    Steve Bing big time!
    However, speaking of Keanu, I’ve heard he’s WAAY out there in terms of kink too…like “Richard Gere” out there if u know what i’m inferring…

  48. Anonymous

    Keanu Reeves (but I wish it wasn’t)

  49. Anonymous

    steve bing

  50. Anonymous

    Bill Clinton