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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


akournikovacut.jpgNow that Enrique Iglesias has said what he claims is his final farewell to the shapely tennis star Anna Kournikova, we have no regrets. Actually, we don’t think he was such a great catch. He couldn’t commit after all these years (a tendency inherited from his father?) and he didn’t seem to realize that Anna gave him legitimacy. In other words, he was more interesting WITH her than without her. On the petty side, we always disliked his taste in headwear and the fact that he walked around with his mouth hanging open. Maybe he reconsidered the split, because now he’s backtracking with “I was only kidding!” Anna, the ball’s in your court.

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  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    okay, wait a second here, I have heard this lame story before of how enrique made it without his fathers help or knowledge and it is crazy. had enrique been born a peasent in el salvador or something do you people really believe he would be a world known singer. I once heard an interview he did on kiis fm saying how his dad never helped him and I wanted to call in and tell him “who do you think gave you that last name and those looks and possibly that talent, havent you guys noticed that if the parent is a famous singer that is usually what their kids will go on to do, same for the kids of actors and the kids of lawyers and the kids of fast food workers usually become restaurant workers themselves.

  3. Tina

    Enrique is one of the hottest men on the planet and also very talented. He made it on his own,without his father’s knowledge and he deserves respect for all the award winning songs he has written for himself and for others. I love his music, his attitude and his sense of humor. His private life is nobody’s business!!!

  4. Anonymous

    I think anna is gorgeous from her feet to her neck and then you get to her face. its like howard used to call her a butter face, everythings hott but her face. and he’s a hottie too. I love his music its almost the only spanish music I can stand, I like shakira too.

  5. vanessa

    Interracial love? 6:58, the last time I checked, Spanish people were and still are considered white. Antonio Banderas, Penelope Cruz….all lily white European Spaniards. Remember, they’re the ones that colonized what’s now South and Central America pillaging, wreaking havoc and causing the screwed up racist attitudes that exist in those countries today.
    I personally think Enrique is cute, but no doubt about it, he can’t sing worth a damn. But to be honest, she was never a dynamo on the tennis court. I don’t think anyone here is hating, they just dont give a damn.

  6. Bad Dog Sam

    I’d hump her leg till my pecker fell off.

  7. anonymous

    I think that people still cannot except or appreciate great latin singers…Bailamos andCanIhave this kiss forever…are some of his best songs. What people cannot accept is that hes a latin guy whos dating a (white) tennis player. that interrracial love is never accepted. But people try to say that his music sucks…it may not be there taste in music-but it dosent mean he is not talented.looks arent that great but his music is wonderful.Ilike her too but she was not too good for him. Shes just a tennis player not a famous singer…Why should he commit now…both are young they should live there life and play the field. Maybe he dosent want to marry young and have a bus full of kids! so what? Lets just be honest here people hate enrique simply for the fact hes dating hot (white)girl…some white guys dont like that. It was annas choice remember fellas!!!

  8. Ida Idont care

    Dont believe what you read folks.. someone is obviously bored. pathetic!

  9. renee

    I think anna can do so much better then him..I personally think that he is gay! but he just won’t come out of the closet yet! good luck to anna tho, there are plenty of other fine lookin men out there that will take care of you!!

  10. Anonymous

    Gee, it must really be a slow newsday when we’re hearing about these mediocre people.

  11. Anonymous

    the first poster is correct. they didn’t break up, he was totally joking & they didn’t get it. he released a statement saying it was a joke.

  12. Anonymous

    Enrique is and has always been fugly. (Hate his obnoxious voice) It just goes to show what having a famous father and a few lame songs on the radio will do.

  13. Anonymous

    Probably the first time that I agree with you. He is much more interesting with her. Women take note, you should all be like her.

  14. Big Draws McGraw

    I bet she has skidmarks in her drawers,thats why shes pulling on them.

  15. Vera Vegas

    He looks like he has down syndrome.And his fake trying to sound all breathy and sexy singing voice sounds like a louie anderson fart to me.2 losers they both need to go away.

  16. Buck Wild


  17. Bev

    Janet he released a statment claiming what he said was a joke and that they are still together