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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It seems that Scientology probably had a lot to do with Benjamin Keough’s recent suicide. The 27 year old was raised in the church until his mother Lisa Marie left in 2014 and some say he paid the ultimate price for that involvement. The church does not recognize mental health issues or treatment – the kind of problems that run in his family. Ben was recently in rehab for alcohol and drugs and had a group of friends over to his mother’s luxurious Calabasas house the night he died. (Lisa Marie was not there.) At 3:30 AM there were screams and Ben’s girlfriend Diana Pinto (above) was heard pleading with him NOT to do it. Police reported that he died from a gunshot wound to the upper torso.

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  2. filthyfew

    Lisa Marie Presley’s son Benjamin Keough died from a self-inflicted “intraoral shotgun wound,” a spokeswoman with the Los Angeles County Coroner confirmed ….he shot himself in the mouth.

    tragic horrible and heartbreaking. rest in paradise. prayers for his mom, siblings and other family. Benjamin Storm: you should still be with us.