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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’re not sure what to be most surprised about: the fact that Elon Musk went to the Abracadabra store in the Flatiron district in NYC and bought an elaborate costume called The Devil’s Champion Leather Armor set for $7500 to wear to Heidi Klum’s Halloween party, OR the fact that he went to the party with his MOTHER, Maye Musk. The costume had odd symbols on it (including an upside down cross) and online observers (trolls?) are already making negative predictions and remarks about Musk’s supposedly dark character and linking everything to Twitter. We happen to think he’s fascinating and would not mind getting to know him…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. cody warlock

    elon mask is white trash.

  2. Light Brigade

    Free speech will be returning.

  3. Franco American

    His father was a nut case too

  4. Gary

    Total Euro trash. Shouldn’t even be able to do business in the U.S.