Juno star Ellen Page, 28, is a whole new person since she came out at an LGBT event last year. For years she was secretive, fearing that if she admitted she was gay it would ruin her career. When she finally got up the courage to acknowledge that she’s gay, her life changed for the better. The petite actress is keeping company with tall blonde actress/producer Samantha Thomas. They were photographed meandering around the East Village together.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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She’s too big for Ellen.
Ellen looks like a 10-year old girl out with her mom.
the smallest are the sweetest………….
most lesbians are indeed ‘Cute’!!
Why do lesbian couples look like truck drivers, and gay male couples dress chicly?
Ha the tall lesbo just loves giving Ellen a nice bath and then strapping on for some action!
Call out these knarly pervs!
what a disgrace
The Bull’s like Joan Jett, Rachel Maddow, Michelle Rodriquez, and Sam Ronson will soon be fighting over the chance to lead Ellen to the bedroom!