Ellen Degeneres has been officially hired as the fourth judge on American Idol, leaving Paula Abdul out in the cold, moaning “What did I do wrong?” (Honey, you asked for too much money!) Ellen says she will be “the voice of the common people who are out there watching the show on TV.” But she’s way more than that – Ellen is smart and showbiz savvy and her quick wit will give Simon a run for his money. Finally, producers hired someone who already has a huge following – Ellen will revitalize the ageing series.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I have to say that I was stunned at AI’s choice, but this might just work out. Ellen is very soft hearted, and will provide the buffer for Simon and Randy just as Paula did. And Ellen does represent the music-buying public to a point.
Red Rooster
How anyone watches this show to begin with is beyond me.
AI has officially jumped the shark
I agree with DandyLion (above) about ellen having to travel for the A.I. Will Portia go with her? At last a true dilemma for the mega-rich lesbian.
Bettye Bluejay
Some people live in the dark ages; don’t you know that glbt and straight people can be friends? Lots of people like Ellen–her show is on in the daytime for housewives; she has broad appeal to the public. What will Paula do now?
Whatever. It’s not like they are really judges anyway. The whole show is scripted.
Life's choices, part 3
Yeah right, the lesbo’s goofy simple dance moves qualify her to be a judge of whether a person has a good voice or not. In fact, she is probably tone deaf. Duh, the slow-dying show is just trying to appeal to the gay/lesbian community. I hope no one watches, because every one knows the results are always fixed.
Miss Eva
Some of these posts are really twisted. What business is it of yours who someone sleeps with, or that person’s “plumbing”? Deal with your own sex lives and leave others to theirs! Ellen will be fabulous on the show. She’s smart and funny whereas Paula is and always has been dumb as a doornail and has been irrelevant now for years and years.
B Bobby
She will be hitting up on the other female judge. Poor dim witted Portia to allow this on top of her.
Whatever happened to Ann Heche and what was her real story?
dandy lion
If you are a judge on Idol, you have to do a lot of traveling. That, along with her talk show, will keep ellen very busy. Will that sit well with her wife, Portia diRossi? Oooooo, just to write the previous sentence shows how much lesbians/faggots have ruined this world. And we are paying for it via God’s wrath….i.e.: fires in L.A., tornadoes, wars, huge national debt, floods, famines, crime, a lying president, yada yada yada. End times coming.
Liberal Media Is Corrupt
I think Ellen will be pretty good on the show.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Paula and her bad boob job that she kept in full view at all times.
bonnie blizzard
I think Jasper’s Goat is correct….the bigwigs are hoping GLBT’s will watch this dying show. I also believe that Paula is sorry she asked for more money. True that Simon makes way way more, but she’s got more now than she can spend. She’s kinda pitiful.
captain america
GREAT IDEA! Ellen will be fun to watch.
Jasper's Goat
It’s obvious they hired ellen hoping more lesbians and faggots will watch this miserable boring failing show. She has never been a judge of good or bad voices. BTW, that thumping sound and screams you hear in the distance is Paula beating up on herself. She will really go nuts now.
Get rid of the fuzz bumper.
Sorry, Ellen isn’t funny and her appeal is head scratching, for me at least. It will be interesting to see how people react to her but I find it a questionable hire.
Another Dyke on the air.