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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The suicide of wealthy playboy Steve Bing, 55, is a shock and a tragedy. He apparently jumped out the window of his 27th floor apartment in LA. He was quite a character – addicted to movies (he produced) and women. He was a regular at the Playboy mansion and NOT interested in marriage and children. In fact, he was disappointed when his friends got married, settled down, and became “boring.” Never a show-off – he drove a beat-up old car and dressed in jeans and t-shirts. When his ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley announced she was pregnant with his child, he made her prove it. The result was her 18 year old gorgeous model son Damian – he inherited his mother’s looks and now, his father’s millions…

Above Damian and Elizabeth in 2018

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. e

    Dad was a close friend of the Clintons and had business dealings with Epstein……more likely Arkanside than suicide. Probably on Durham’s witness interview to do list.

  2. becca

    You have no idea if he has inherited millions! Until the will is probated, no one will know.
    And they are ways to avoid probate.

  3. Toby Flenderson


  4. Maxi

    What is wrong with you Janet?!!!
    The boy just lost his Dad, who knows what their relationship was, good or bad, as a kid you always hope that one day you will have a good relationship with your parent, now his Dad is gone.
    Wow just wow Janet.
    I’ve read your other posts and you never ever put an apology for some of the wrong stuff you write. This headline is too much. Look up the word empathy.

  5. pusssykatt

    Please remove this or change the title. His father just died and you’re stating because his father was wealthy that he’s a better catch. This kid already has problems being the son of Elizabeth Hurley and her no boundary issues.

  6. Natalie Pinkhams

    Janet please, a man lost his life, have you no emotion