Why was anyone surprised when Elisabetta Canalis described her two year romance with George Clooney as “more of a father-daughter relationship.” According to People magazine this is how Elisabetta, 33, felt about 50 year old George. She went on to say he was a gentleman at all times and very generous but they never spoke of marriage or children. ”He was as special and important as a father to me.” Her statements were regarded as something of an INSULT to George, but surely he felt the same way. Don’t older wealthy men with young girlfriends generally assume a fatherly role? George is too smart to assume the young girls he dates are oblivious of the age difference….
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Divorce done in time with Mom’s book. Everyone will want Kris on shows while Kim is in Australia! See how good PR works?
lil booger
I think you are absolutely correct about that. In my opinion, I think it was what many of us expected from the Kardashians (a fake marriage to garner publicity).
If they have it annuled, the gifts would go back. Since it’s a “standard” (lol) divorce then it doesn’t look like the guests were taken for a ride.
Did anybody ever think that Kim would settle in Minnesota? or take his last name? or pop out a king sized baby from her loins? It would never happen.
If I’d known she had a good zinger in her I would have voted for her on DWTS.
Oh, and Lil booger, are you surprised by that headline. I think perhaps the divorce papers were filled out and Laura Wasser on retainer before she took that very expensive aisle walk.
lil booger----- Kim Kardashian divorcing husband Today
Kim Kardashian Is Filing For Divorce, Ryan Seacrest Confirms
After little more than two months of marriage, Kim Kardashian is filing for divorce from Kris Humphries.
Face it you were dumped. You had no problem taking the gowns, gifts and money from him. You were bought and paid for hon. Get over it.
She only screws when $$$ is involved. She should be grateful as she was a beauty but a nobody and now she is well known in America.
As Dennis Hopper said, as Frank Booth in Blue Velvet, “Let’s fuck! I’ll fuck anything that moves!”
forrest gump
being an INCEST-DAD is hot in california today……….
Never ending supply of beards.
I don’t think she was trying to be sweet. I think this was a carefully crafted statement that has achieved its goal. Lovely and sweet on top, but perfectly snarky when you read between the lines. Everyone is wondering if this is her subtle way of outing GC.
Oh please. The entire relationship was for show.
lil booger
@ Indy
I suspect that she is still in love with him. Plus, think of how difficult it is to see someone you love with someone else…..publicly. It is just heartbreaking when you still have strong feelings for them.
She didn’t really say anything bad but she felt she had to say something. I am sure “some” of us can relate.
Christine India aka Indy
Our oh-so-cool lover boy may have met his match in Stacy Keibler, who looks to be about 6’2″ and solid muscle. Being a wrestler and having traveled around the block many times, she will soon have him groveling and whining…”She is like a mother to me”.
True but his women have all had very much experience…..their legs have been spread by many men including Berlusconi and other wealthy ones…..it;s Euro’s in their eyes not the hope of a ring. You should know well Patrice.
Patrice Kessler
Oh dear no. Loves the velvety pleasures of a woman’s softly opening jade gate. Craves the sweet creamy Ham de Lady with a passion only a real man, a true hetrosexual man could enjoy.
And dare I say it, as our Lil Leo is sometimes referred to in Hollywood, in the most vulgar of arenas, a pussyhound.
No my dears, in the world of many actors and gentlemen, he just hasn’t found “the right woman” yet. But I’m so sure he will.
Elisabeta is just trying to look like she wasnt dropped. Forget it and move on but be not a J Lo fame whore.
Gross old manwhore.
He’s just gross to me
Nope he is just smart….he had E’s legs apart but regular and often but didnt see a reason to marry the cow to get the milk.
Does anyone know? Is he gay? Or am I just very naive? I read rumors, but I am just not convinced either way.
Bride of Strom
Save me. Call the police. Saaaave me.
A woman scorned maybe?