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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


When EJ Johnson, 23, walks down Rodeo Drive, people turn around and take notice. Thrilled by his 180 lb weight loss, EJ couldn’t wait until summer to wear tight white jeans. He accessorized with a white tank top and unexpected fur cape with wintery boots. As they say, he “blurs gender barriers.” So well, in fact, that Caitlyn Jenner could take tips from EJ on how to walk daintily. (Above, EJ and his Rich Kids of Beverly Hills costar “funemployed” heiress Dorothy Wang are filming an episode.)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    Isn’t this the picture the little Heel Napper keeps on its bedroom wall?

  2. Charles

    Unlike his closeted gay father, he has the balls to admit his homosexuality.

  3. Strom

    Is “Dorothy” known to have herpes?

  4. Phonexia Balada

    What a disgrace.

  5. Parker

    I agree with Blake. Fur should be on animals, not people.

  6. Palermo

    I heard he was carrying a purse worth $100,000 the other day. I’m sorry, but he is a waste of space. All he does is prance around with his latest outfit on. His parents must be so proud of this do nothing kid.

  7. sandyRED

    I prefer a male to look and act like a male – same thing for a female. Life is confusing enough!!!!!

  8. susieserb

    Are we suppose to be impressed?

  9. Ricky

    The apple doesn’t fall from the tree!!!

  10. Strom

    Is Dorothy a tranny?

  11. Strom

    Blake seems more worried about fur than about this pervert running free!

  12. Blake

    People who wear fur are scum.

  13. xyzc

    What an abomination!

  14. Strom

    Why give these oddball perverts the attention they crave?

  15. butthead

    officers will sue him for this………..