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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


EJ Johnson was FLABBERGASTED when he was denied entrance to the celebrity hangout The Nice Guy on Friday! Imagine that! Turning away a reality star with familial connections and HIS OWN REALITY SHOW!” (EJ has his own spinoff from “Rich Kids of Beverly Hills” starting June 17 – it’s called “EJ and the City.” So “You’re not on the list!” is something Johnson doesn’t hear very often. But he’s resourceful- EJ made a few calls and eventually found the right person to pull some strings and get him in!

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Jackie

    I like E.J. Johnson. He is charming, entertaining, and seems like a very nice person. He’s good to his Friends, close with his Sister, and says that his Family is supportive of him.
    I’m looking forward to his new show.

  2. Lissa

    This is America

  3. Tooty McPooty

    They probably didn’t want the place loaded up with trannies.

  4. Palermo

    What is so interesting about this vain vapid person?

  5. Susan C

    Magic and Cookie say all the right things in public but I have to imagine they have to be shaking their heads when they see pics like this. I wonder if they have another Bruce/Caitlyn on their hands.

  6. Marc

    He’s the new Tommy Lasorda Jr…

    And I mean that in a good way…