Eddie Murphy, shown here with his girlfriend Tracy Edmonds and Jesse Jackson, had an awkward moment last night at the Black Enterprise Top 50 Hollywood Power Brokers event at the Beverly Regent Hotel. It’s the first time Eddie and Tracy have been in the same room with her exhusband Babyface, who USED to be a close friend of Eddie’s! They’re not friendly since Eddie and Tracy hooked up. Other attendees watched with interest as the former buddies reportedly stayed in different corners of the large ballroom at the event, but were very conscious of each other all night.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Casonia Sade Logenberry..What ever happen to the guy who made the Tacos and won for the team that day? Why is he not back and did he stress out and lost his mind and left the show? Some people just toss away there chance and throwing away the chance of an
I like Baby face because he really make great music and he has helped so many other people in the world and that sweet and kind and has made some history but on the other hand Eddie Murphy has done some wonderful things too and He can act and sing and dance and so over all Eddie has more on his plate to offer and Baby face has Music in his corner of his soul and mind and spirit..Music is his passion and his love.
How about this for a twist: Tracy is dating Eddie Murphy who was a mutual friend of her and Kenny and Kenny is dating Corina Lang who was also a mutual friend of theirs. How about that for Hollywood!
none of us know n-thing bout nothing. so better keep spreading rumors that smart people will not take seriously. It seems more and more gents from ARISTA world is being ‘assumed’ gay– it was Puffy Combs and Mase; now Babyface, Clive, L.A.Reid, Usher etc etc. People, this looks so unreal to me!! And i think we should give these celebrities a break. They are people just like US. They feell bad being attacke this way
Tracee is a Hollywood proffesional wife. One of those women who know the truth about their so called husbands. babyface is another undercover sister on the DOWNLOW along with his other brother USHER who got his house from BABYFACE. Wow there really is a gay mafia they all stick together once they feel safe.
God he’s fugly. Hope he doesn’t win on Sunday.
i always open my mouth that big.
WOW is tracey a tranny? Why else is he dating her,shes kinda long in the tooth dont ya think?
i used to like eddie murphy, now i think he is a jerk. jesse jackass is an opportunist who is only interested in serving himself and is fake. come to think of it, tracey edmunds is probably (using) dating eddie murphy to keep herself in the spotlight. why did babyface and tracy breakup ?
eddie and jessie understand each other because they both have illegitimate children floating around that they dont acknowledge. no class at all.
Eddie’s starting to look like Joe Frazier.