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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#edoneill #craigtnelson #janetcharlton

Modern Family costar Ed O’Neill (above left) says he almost didn’t get the part of the head of the family Jay Pritchett on the hit sitcom. As he tells it, both he and “Coach” star Craig T Nelson were up for the role. When Ed read the script he immediately decided the show would be a hit, and he was very disappointed when Nelson was chosen for the part. But Ed’s manager told him that Craig asked for too much money and Ed happily signed on the dotted line. So THAT’S how he got the part and Ed told Rolling Stone that he laughed later when he heard that Craig was furious and wanted to fire his manager and agent when the show became a success.

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  1. CoCo

    Ed O’Neill should have been the first choice (that was the producer’s mistake). Ed is so PERFECT in the role that the show would have sucked big time if Craig T Nelson got the role. I truly believe the show would have been totally different in a negative way. I am glad that Craig got greedy and that Ed’s ego about being the second choice didn’t get in the way. I love Ed O’Neill!!

  2. Denise

    I can’t see Nelson in the role, but maybe that’s because Ed O’Neill is so good in it.

  3. pinkandyellowroses

    Craig T Nelson is a terrible choice ! He is just not funny

  4. baja

    it was all about american humor?
    ….SO NONE!!

  5. Cleo

    Ed’s perfect in the role. I refuse to watch anything with Nelson, who is a right-wing maniac.

  6. Dawn Davenport

    Ed is the perfect choice for the role. A seasoned performer that carries off the flavor of the character flawlessly.

  7. yoyo

    Well, that’s what you get for being greedy, nothing. Maybe next time Craig will think twice & accept whatever he can get cuz let’s face it, Realty TV is killing everything.