Photo Credit: Splash News
Leave it to The National Enquirer to discover Jacqueline Kennedy’s aunt and cousin living in squalor in a dilapidated house on Long Island on 1971. Jackie helped them patch up the house and the documentary “Grey >Gardens” made eccentrics “Big Edie” Bouvier Beale and “Little Edie” Bouvier Beale famous. Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange are starring in the HBO version debuting Saturday and they made a point of looking really good at the New York premier because they look so bad in the movie.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Walt Cliff
Smell my finger. 🙂
Casonia sade logenberry..Two ladies tossed off of Hells kitchen and the reason is there actions did not match there words. Saying it and not doing it is away out the door. Put up or shut up!
Some time your inside don’t match your outsides and at times passions and understanding is what leads us to a direction and a feeling of what the other person has gone throw gathers a understanding of some kind!
Miss Eva
The thing that makes Jessica look so weird is that one “stitch” she had on the outer edges of her eyelids, giving them that awful, slanty lift which looks quasi-Oriental. That’s exactly what really ruined Melanie Griffith’s face, too–along with those fish lips, of course.
That aside, both Drew and Jess were FABULOUS in Grey Gardens, as they are in everything they do.
Jessica looks like the sister of Joan Rivers with all the work that been done to her face. Drew just looks dirty down there, I don’t why but she just does.
Sebastian Stoker
The documentary Grey Gardens was one in a million – it was well made, and featured fascinating subjects, and still its allure exceeded the sum of its parts. It was magical, as anyone who saw it all those years ago can attest to, so it is no wonder that numerous projects are being spun off from it. Only wonder why it took so long. Can’t wait to see Drew And Jessica in character!
They both DO look astonishingly like the real ladies in the print ads for this. Still can’t understand the reason for this project, though. The documentaries (there are 2 in the boxed set) really do suffice. Was it some residual Kennedy family pull that got this knocked down to HBO from a theatrical feature film?
Ok.. April fool’s is over.. where is the good pictures of them?!
what is the scar on Jessica’s right collar bone?…
gerard Vandenberg
almost entire america is behaving themselves like these two dated “SLAPSTICK’S”, folks!!
Dr. 90210
Looks like Jessica had a nice helping of botox injected into her forehead. She should go for some new breasts.
Janet, you call THAT looking “good”? Jessica looks like she got her nose out of a bubblegum machine! What IS THAT glob in the center of her face? And she looks like she’s snarling and ready to do an impersonation of the Lion King! EEEWWW YUCK ICK YIKES UGG POO POO POO!!!
Drew looks like she is flying high on vicodin, or she just did a speedball in the bathroom cubicle.