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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Brazilian Dr Robert Rey is certainly the flashiest plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. He looks more like an actor than a surgeon and in fact, has long had theatrical aspirations. He became a member of the Screen Actor’s Guild back in 1980. He found his niche on the E! series “Dr 90210” where he specializes in breast augmentation. To be fair, he does travel on a yearly mission outside the USA to operate on poor kids with physical deformities, but we’d be more impressed if it weren’t televised.

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  1. troy

    The man is an artist…so like any other artist he might seem odd to us regular people but I don’t fucking care cuz the guy is a genius not only in medicine but also in business…AND he’s a fucking smooth talker which is very helpful in the business


    PS : BTW I’m a plastic surgery student SO u guys can go to hell

  2. Lidia

    Just because he is fem acting doesn’t mean
    he’s gay. There are alot of macho gay guys

  3. Lady GAGA

    I have the answer of why he dresses and acts like that… Because he CAN!!!! And he leaves work every day with a big smile thanking GOD!

  4. Chuchu

    You people bring Low Class to No Class. Why concentrate on such hateful negativity. What would Forest Gump say…? Stupid is as stupid does… Look at yourself in a mirror. I don’t care for this look either, but I didn’t pay for his outfit either. Relax with these hateful comments…breathe…live and let live!
    Regarding the crotch, have you ever look at mens’ medieval dress…codpieces were the vogue, the bigger and more gaudy the better. CHILL OUT boys and girls.

  5. john mayer

    he’s got stick legs and a little boner

  6. SonShine

    Does he stuff?

  7. anontWO

    I used to think of this man as “attractive” until I saw this photograph.


  8. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    Funny comments! Love ’em.

    I never saw the show, but now I HAVE to check it out.

    What’s going to happen to this guy after obamacare takes over?

  9. Lisaloo99

    Ya know, his silly desperate attempt for penis attention made me laugh, then I felt bad for him. He should learn to embrace God. Plastic surgery, near naked dressing, money, etc., will only make you happy for so long. Just ask Solomon. I feel sorry for his wife. If my husband dressed like that in public, I’d cry. Embarrassing, humiliating. No wisdom there.

  10. J-9

    Wow. Simply wow. Every time I see this guy he ups his appearance ante.
    His wife is boyish……..

  11. Minnie Mouse

    Hi – Minnie Mouse here….just wanted to tell you all that I’m having an affair with Mighty Mouse when Mickey Mouse is away, and I can assure you that he is NOT a faggot.

  12. Laine Belle

    He’s a douchebag!!!

  13. Tais Helena Ribeiro

    Acho O Dr. Rey um gato quero dar um beijo na quela boca gostosa ele é simplesmente lindo

  14. WILLIAM B.

    Mighty Mouse is probably a FAGGOT…

    Beverly Hills


    VENIMOUS comments… gosh. are you all looking ugly, fat, old ? that would explain your HATE. that’s Beverly Hills, Ladies, full of plastic ‘trendy’ surgeons, fake beauties, botox addicts (women as well as men), liftings…
    by the way, I LOVE BEVERLY HILLS,

    Beverly Hills, 90211

  16. captain america

    (nobody will notice)
    THAT’S WHY, folks!!

  17. Road

    Mighty Mouse your obsessed with the word faggots.

  18. Mighty Mouse

    Reta, untold men are operating on the DOWN-LOW. Married, and hiding the fact that they are faggots. Sometimes the wife knows it and looks the other way, especially if they are living in luxury and married to a highly respected man.

  19. KBe

    he is SO GAY and i HAVE gay friends so shut up
    his wife IS miserable
    why is she even married to him but his money?
    he has NO SAY IN ANYTHING in their life
    its like he’s the bank
    they deserve each other…..
    and they are taking their spoiled little creepy daughter to acting school also??

  20. Bettye Bluejay

    Is that a codpiece, or his just happy to be seen?

  21. Toby

    Reta and the rest really bitter…

  22. Reta

    He’s married with two kids people! He’s just always dressed a bit flamboyant and flashy, Beverly Hills-ish! His wife is VERY VERY thin and look like she’s starving to death. On their show he doesn’t spend much time with his family and his wife is always unhappy about it which is probably why she is so thin, trying to get his attention. She looks rediculous that thin, with big fake bubble tits too, and a skelator face.

  23. Mighty Mouse

    A sure-fire magnet for FAGGOTS. Is this what he’s trying to do, or is he just fashion-ignorant?

  24. karen

    ick. just…ick.

  25. right

    He must not own a mirror. Any guy who willfully goes out in public dressed like this is a fruit.