Despite the fact that Legally Blonde made her famous (we REALLY loved her first film -at age 14- The Man in the Moon) Reese Witherspoon is WAY smarter than she appears to be. She runs successful businesses and a production company along with being one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood. And she was NOT born into a famous or wealthy family – just an educated family.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Reese is nothing but WT that trailer park people can look up to. LOL. She is trash, so happy for Ryan Phillipe that he got away from this inbred looking woman.
Light Brigade
It is not a crime to be white. What you posted is racist. Not cool.
She does reflect better on her parents than some of your commenters (yes you, puka and diva).
She seems professional and largely avoids the excesses that seem to plague many.
I love when she was arrested and screaming at the cop “Do you know who I am?’ No one was impressed.
She married well, too.
She’s not my favorite. Her voice is awful.
Puja Shruti
She’s the perfect southern girl fresh off the slave plantation . A typical racist princess