#lizanddick #janetcharlton

Far too much effort is being put into criticizing Lindsay Lohan’s performance in Lifetime’s “Liz & Dick.” For heaven’s sake, this is LIFETIME, not a Harvey Weinstein production. It was intended to entertain, and it did. The 1960’s locations and costumes and story were fun and colorful and reasonably appropriate. Although Lindsay’s “accent” sounded more “valley girl” than English born Liz’s, we had low expectations. Liz’s legendary weight struggles were totally ignored for some reason. Grant Bowler sounded enough like Richard Burton to get by. After all, it was simply the story of two famous self-absorbed alcoholics, not the greatest love story ever told. Certainly, it did little to enhance Lindsay’s acting reputation, but did no harm either. In spite of flaws, we enjoyed watching the movie and were quite entertained. Pass the popcorn. Admit it, weren’t you entertained too?

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  1. Yep, if she had a sharp manager she might hang on as a Kardashian type..who had some past acting cred. Otherwise it will be porn.

    Picture, if you can, Sam Ronson face locked between LL’s legs…opps that’s reality, not acting!

  2. It is entertaining in the same sense that Twilight is entertaining – not in the way producers intended, but good for snickers, giggles, and a good belly laugh at the campy ridiculousness of it all. Even the wigs were Twilight worthy bad, or good, depending on your sense of humor. The same can be said for Lindsay’s seesawing accent between English and California valley girl.

    Grant Bowler did manage to consistently sound like Richard Burton, eerily so at times, and I thought he did a credible job portraying his part considering the cartoon of a co-star he played opposite of.

  3. I remember the real L&D (who would have been horrified to be called that). LiLo was god awful. I hope this finishes off her career forever.

  4. I was very entertained, but only because I was reading a good book and totally ignored this ridiculous tripe.

  5. Painful. She had bargain basement makeup, the costumes were laughable and the “acting” was non-existent. I only watched the Cleopatra section and my schnauzer makes a better Liz than Blohan.

  6. Ha ha, I’m free from being tempted to waste time watching it: Don’t have cable, which I know is highly unusual. lol

  7. Unspeakably cheesy, horribly acted, basically unwatchable drivel. Lilo just phoned it in, unable to portray anything whatsoever except her own neuroses. An absolute insult to everything that Elizabeth Taylor was.

  8. It was not a fun ride to watch. What a total waste of money and time this girl did. She was the wrong person to portray Elizabeth. Her acting was horrendous.

  9. If you call wincing and cringing entertaining
    then yes, it was entertaining. What was the casting person thinking? Lohan? La Liz? I mean really?

  10. No Janet I was bored out of my gourd watching this thing. It was NOT entertaining at all.

    BTW? Since when was Liz Taylor breathy and impish? The woman was vulgar and bawdy and Lindsey did NOT channel La Liz at all As a matter of fact she looked like LL in a Halloween costume playing LT.

    The actor who portrayed RB did a spectacular job, he captured RB’s voice to a T!!

  11. ofcourse it is.

  12. Strom, you are a creepy, creepy guy, who else would post this

    “Picture, if you can, Sam Ronson face locked between LL’s legs…opps that’s reality, not acting!”

    protest, deny, deflect all you want you drooler, but I’ll bet the closest you’ve ever gotten to a woman, is your worn out, sticky blow up doll.

    pathetically obsessed, hateful and irrelevant, you are Mr. Strom

  13. Movie was very poorly written and Lohan’s acting was horrible.She is totally over.

  14. Poor Andrea…spits out the hate when the light of truth is put on a subject.

    Enjoy the movie and be sure to wear your rainbow hoodie!

  15. This movie will bore you into a coma. I’ve seen better acting on WWF. The plot was all over the place & nowhere. What an insult to Liz Taylor.

  16. Yes the movie WAS entertaining and you are so right about it not being a big movie – it’s LIFETIME but I was a bit taken back at how selfish Elizabeth Taylor is portrayed. She thinks nothing of Burton’s wife or even Eddie Fisher’s feelings (not that he didn’t get exactly what he deserved after cheating on Debbie Reynolds)but this was how she was BACK THEN – selfish, spoiled and full of herself. She lived long enough to redeem herself and thankfully she will be remembered for her generosity and her AIDS work.

  17. Someone wrote a recollection about Ms. Taylor when she was married to Eddie Fisher. She enjoyed literature and having intelligent conversations about what she read. Apparently Mr. Fisher wasn’t all that bright, and was clueless and bored when presented with books of value. Fisher didn’t have that many feelings, so don’t anyone worry how he felt.

  18. Lest we forget.. Low class Lindsay and the promoters and producers of this Movie ridiculed, maligned, slandered Liz’s life all over the place

  19. I’m still laughting about the “coma” comment! Hilarious! The movie was cheap in all ways.

  20. The producers did their job by getting the oinker on the screen and getting people to watch…no matter how good or bad it was all about $$$$.

  21. For years when talking about Lindsay and her troubles people would say “well at least she is a good actress.” I think ‘L&D’ should put that old chestnut to bed. She was awful! Lindsay was good in ‘Mean Girls’ ONLY because Tina Fey wrote a brilliant funny script.

  22. Picture, if you can stand the sight, Sam Ronson face-locked between LL’s legs…opps that’s reality, not acting!

  23. As you can see by the obvious spelling (opps=oops}error above the imposter reveals their self as the uneducated fool they are.
    Frankly I enjoyed this film as the high art it really is.

  24. Picture, if you can stand the sight, Sam Ronson face-locked between LL’s legs. That’s reality, not acting!

    Itty bitty imposter just squeals so loud when he tries to play strom…he just runs around the call center giving high fives. But it is so ashamed of itself it is afraid to use its own name.

  25. Picture, if you can stand the sight, Sam Ronson face-locked between LL’s legs. That’s reality, not acting!

    Very Itty bitty imposter just squeals so loud when he tries to play strom…he just runs around the call center giving high fives.

    But it is so ashamed of itself it is afraid to use its own name.

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