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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Apparently there’s a downside to dating Taylor Swift – it’s EXPENSIVE. Just ask Travis Kelce. Ever since Taylor and Travis went public with their romance, he’s been living large to keep up with her costly lifestyle. As unexpected as it sounds, the pro footballer, who’s over 220 pounds of solid muscle, recently told a friend that one of his biggest expenses since dating Taylor has been for additional security. Although he’s a lean, mean fighting machine on the football field, Travis now travels with discreet bodyguards. These guards are always careful to stay OUT of the photographer’s frame to protect his macho image. According to my source, Travis was initially AGAINST the idea, but Taylor insisted and now he’s tailed by professional bodyguards when he’s in public.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Travis in Cannes

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  1. Your cheatin' heart

    Travis is so pumped up with steroids he runs with the horses every morning down at the local track.
    Just like Simone Biles who uses speed before every event