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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


For Donald Trump, quitting is better than losing, even though he never admits to losing in the first place. Donald’s still promoting false theories that he won the 2020 election but now that Vice President Kamala Harris has shaken things up and uprooted the upcoming presidential election, my secret D.C. source says there’s a plan in place to have Donald bow out of the election. Donald’s popularity has plummeted even more so since he selected JD Vance as his running mate and Donald is facing the reality that he could very well lose BIG in the election. To avoid the humiliation, he’s working on an exit strategy and it involves his upcoming sentencing for his 34 criminal convictions. If Donald is losing in the polls when it comes time for his sentencing, he will have his attorneys make a deal with prosecutors that INCLUDES jail time! That way he can claim he was forced to drop out to deal with his legal troubles, and can claim he was on track to win the election. Remember WHO you’re dealing with here, so although this sounds crazy, it makes perfect sense to ego-driven Donald.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA -Zsa Zsa Gabor’s widower Frederic Prinz von Anhalt campaigned for Trump in Beverly Hills

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  1. Pete B

    The TDS runs strong in you Janet. Do you realize that people come here to avoid politics? I know that every Republican is Hitler. After a while, if you call every Republican Hitler it no longer has meaning. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Dole, Bush II, McCain, Romney, and now Trump. Funny thing is that the former “Hitlers” Bush II, McCain and Romney are all loved by the left because they are not fans of the NY style of the new “Hitler”.

  2. Ubama

    The only way for Harris to win is to keep her mouth shut.
    If invited to speak she sometimes goes off on wild tangents scaring voters away.