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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Donald Trump wants answers on the state of his son, Don Junior’s, (4 year) engagement to Kimberly Guilfoyle. It’s not that Donald cares that much how his son is doing, but according to my source, he’s worried that Kimberly never signed an NDA! Junior and Kimberly’s romance woes are the talk of the town since he was photographed canoodling with socialite Bettina Anderson in Palm Beach, and he hasn’t been photographed with Kimberly in nearly a month. My source explains that most insiders believe Junior and Kim are dunzo and trying to hammer out a financial agreement. The former president is terrified because Kimberly was privy to unlimited amounts of information and family secrets! If she turns on the family and goes public, it could be devastating. Here’s another tidbit: The Trumps BIGGEST fear is that Kimberly tells all to her ex-husband, California Governor Gavin Newsom, – he’s one of Trump’s biggest enemies.

Photo: Instagram – Kimberly and Don Jr

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  1. Jody fullhouse

    Jr. is a revolting creep acting like a suckling pig on his Father’s money.
    What woman wouldn’t crave him?