Although we are taking a self imposed sabbatical from political gossip (it’s mentally exhausting) don’t think for a moment we are going to stop dishing about Donald Trump. We certainly couldn’t resist retelling this tale. Donald’s been spending most of his time with new best friend Elon Musk, but it’s not only politics and government they’re blabbing about. According to my source, Donald has been pressuring the wealthiest man in the world to pony up big bucks and join his private club, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. Here’s the kicker. Even though Donald owns the club, Elon is presented with a bill for every item he consumes! In October Trump raised the membership price to a million dollars! (Implying that new ultra-wealthy members will be able to give the President advice or maybe, get an ambassadorship.) Is that ethical? Just asking… For now, Elon has resisted joining, but Trump has implied if he doesn’t soon, he won’t be allowed to hang out there with him.
This bro-mance is fun to watch from the sidelines. They are both using each other and it will be interesting to see who gets what in the transaction.
My money is on Musk, he is smart and without pesky ethical concerns, and obviously beyond loaded. He will get the elected officials in place who will benefit his companies, and continue to stockpile money.
Trump is a whirling dervish who can’t focus on one thing for more than a few minutes. He will constantly be thwarted (usually by his own incompetence and tendency to self destruct).
These bros will have a messy breakup and it will be so much fun to watch.